An outpost on the fronteir of civilization has sent a distress signal. One word: "Orks!" That's enough to send in a recon unit of Space Marines. Once they arrive, it is as they feared - all of the original occupants have been boiled alive (and eaten with a generous dash of salt). They vow revenge and face off against the orkz who cackle with glee at the prospect of an after-dinner fight & desert.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
AAR: June 3, 2013 - Mixed Motives
In a random occurrence of fate (or is it destiny?) four armies have congregated at the same location for wildly different reasons, but they all see each other in the same light - an unknown and potentially lethal enemy! Only one of these forces can return successful, three of them will slink home with their goals unfulfilled...
Sunday, October 6, 2013
AAR: June 1, 2013 - Planetfall
Smarting from their last beat-down, the forces of the Ork Horde find a nice defenseless agri-world to plunder. All was going well for a few days, but then a hideous buzzing filled the skies! The few humans that remained alive weep for mercy, but none is likely to be forthcoming... The Tyranids have arrived! This really annoys the Orks and they gear up to defend their spoils.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Steampunk Nights - Chapter 8
Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Central Wilds
We had no further trouble that day, nor during the night. I and my fellows put up a two-person watch (on either end of the campsite) and rotated the duty during the night with each other.
The teamsters are not in the habit of having any guards at night whatsoever, which seems ridiculous and foolhardy in the extreme. When Fabro confronted Antoro about this lapse of sound thinking the man replied – “I have a guard dog that barks at beasts and scares them off.”
The guard dog is a fluffy little thing, no bigger than a wineskin. Its squeaky yip is not in the least threatening. How have these people lived unmolested for so many years? The grace of Osiris must watch over them...
The next day was quite boring. Not much wildlife or game to be seen. The monotony did not lessen our vigilance, however! After the orc scouts we ran into, we and the teamsters were quite diligent in their inspection of the terrain and horizon. But nothing was out of the ordinary and the day passed quietly.
The same can not be said for the night.
Location: Central Wilds
We had no further trouble that day, nor during the night. I and my fellows put up a two-person watch (on either end of the campsite) and rotated the duty during the night with each other.
The teamsters are not in the habit of having any guards at night whatsoever, which seems ridiculous and foolhardy in the extreme. When Fabro confronted Antoro about this lapse of sound thinking the man replied – “I have a guard dog that barks at beasts and scares them off.”
The guard dog is a fluffy little thing, no bigger than a wineskin. Its squeaky yip is not in the least threatening. How have these people lived unmolested for so many years? The grace of Osiris must watch over them...
The next day was quite boring. Not much wildlife or game to be seen. The monotony did not lessen our vigilance, however! After the orc scouts we ran into, we and the teamsters were quite diligent in their inspection of the terrain and horizon. But nothing was out of the ordinary and the day passed quietly.
The same can not be said for the night.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Steampunk Nights - Chapter 7
Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Central Wilds
Our journey the first day was a non-event. The weather was fine. The road was clear. And we saw nothing alive other than a few deer and birds. As we had been told, the campsite that we stopped at for the evening was well marked and commonly used. I had hoped that there would be a wooden picket or watchtowers at such obvious places of rest, but alas! The townsfolk of Trat looked at me strangely when I commented upon this lack. Ah, well.
It was during the second day's travel that Nihani spied the orc scouts.
No one else saw them at first. My first clue that something might be happening is when Nihani urged her glass scorpion to a slightly greater pace, pulling out of position and drawing up next to Dhaja. I thought nothing of this at first, since we often changed position or rode next to one another to trade a bit of conversation.
With a sudden cry, Nihani jabbed her heels into the flanks of her mount and the beast skittered at a run towards the rear of a hillock that the road was slowly rounding. I had not yet seen her scorpion move at top speed and it was frighteningly fast! As she moved, Nihani cried out: “Orcs! Behind the hill!”
Antoro's head popped out of the door of his cart and he yelped, “What? Orcs? Here?”
Location: Central Wilds
Our journey the first day was a non-event. The weather was fine. The road was clear. And we saw nothing alive other than a few deer and birds. As we had been told, the campsite that we stopped at for the evening was well marked and commonly used. I had hoped that there would be a wooden picket or watchtowers at such obvious places of rest, but alas! The townsfolk of Trat looked at me strangely when I commented upon this lack. Ah, well.
It was during the second day's travel that Nihani spied the orc scouts.
No one else saw them at first. My first clue that something might be happening is when Nihani urged her glass scorpion to a slightly greater pace, pulling out of position and drawing up next to Dhaja. I thought nothing of this at first, since we often changed position or rode next to one another to trade a bit of conversation.
With a sudden cry, Nihani jabbed her heels into the flanks of her mount and the beast skittered at a run towards the rear of a hillock that the road was slowly rounding. I had not yet seen her scorpion move at top speed and it was frighteningly fast! As she moved, Nihani cried out: “Orcs! Behind the hill!”
Antoro's head popped out of the door of his cart and he yelped, “What? Orcs? Here?”
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
AAR: May 11, 2013 - Interupted Prayers
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Mek Lab - Mega-Warboss Chainsaw

"Dat wuz a close un! See, da boss heard dat lotz of ladz are thinkin' dat sum greenskin called Ghazghkull Thraka iz da hotniz. Whalp! He almost blew hiz top at da newz! So he iz askin' me ta make him a new outfit - so de ladz will all KNOW who da biggest and baddest ork of dem all iz... Or elze he will blow MY top off! No time ta talk now! Me haz ta get ta werk!"
Mega-Warboss Chainsaw
Much thought, planning, and bit collection has resulted in a Mega-Warboss mini worth of the name: Chainsaw! Let's watch it happen, shall we?Monday, May 27, 2013
Steampunk Nights - Chapter 6
Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Ashen
After leaving Sheik Kazim's tent, we went our separate ways in order to attend to our own final preparations. I took the opportunity to discover just where this northern road was, being quite unfamiliar with the town.
On the way, I bought a horse and other supplies and foodstuffs that I might need on my journey. My supply of small gems I brought with me from home was fast dwindling. Luckily my share of the pay for the job of guarding Antoro's caravan would refill my purse somewhat. The merchant I worked with was quite helpful in directing me to the proper spot where my rendezvous with the others was to take place.
I was happy to find Fabro next to a wagon of his own when I came upon the road. He had already harnessed the horses and was tightening straps on some oddly bulky cargo in the rear of the cart.
“Are you bringing a load of trade goods with you to sell in Trat, Fabro?” I asked him.
“Huh?” Fabro glanced over at me as he replied. Seeing that it was I, he answered, “No, these are my tools. I don't go anywhere without my tools.”
Location: Ashen
After leaving Sheik Kazim's tent, we went our separate ways in order to attend to our own final preparations. I took the opportunity to discover just where this northern road was, being quite unfamiliar with the town.
On the way, I bought a horse and other supplies and foodstuffs that I might need on my journey. My supply of small gems I brought with me from home was fast dwindling. Luckily my share of the pay for the job of guarding Antoro's caravan would refill my purse somewhat. The merchant I worked with was quite helpful in directing me to the proper spot where my rendezvous with the others was to take place.
I was happy to find Fabro next to a wagon of his own when I came upon the road. He had already harnessed the horses and was tightening straps on some oddly bulky cargo in the rear of the cart.
“Are you bringing a load of trade goods with you to sell in Trat, Fabro?” I asked him.
“Huh?” Fabro glanced over at me as he replied. Seeing that it was I, he answered, “No, these are my tools. I don't go anywhere without my tools.”
Monday, May 20, 2013
Steampunk Nights - Chapter 5
Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Ashen – Tent of Kazim
Sheik Kazim drew aside the beaded curtain that separated myself, Mal'Metaf, and Kelbik from the main area of the tent once Antoro left.
“Come in! We must now have a private discussion!” he said. “You have questions about the assignment, yes?”
“No, no!” Kelbik yelped in his high-pitched voice.
Mal'Metaf shook his head and I followed. The specifications of the job seemed clear enough to me.
Location: Ashen – Tent of Kazim
Sheik Kazim drew aside the beaded curtain that separated myself, Mal'Metaf, and Kelbik from the main area of the tent once Antoro left.
“Come in! We must now have a private discussion!” he said. “You have questions about the assignment, yes?”
“No, no!” Kelbik yelped in his high-pitched voice.
Mal'Metaf shook his head and I followed. The specifications of the job seemed clear enough to me.
Steampunk Nights - Chapter 4
Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Ashen – Tent of Kazim
“I suppose I should tell you who I am, if you don’t already know?” Antoro raises a single brow at this question and looks hopefully at Nihani, Fabro, and Dhaja. Getting only blank stares in reply to his query he frowns and continues, “I am the deputy mayor of Trat – a Vincha settlement sponsored by the Orsini Family out of Corbanile.”
“Never heard of it,” Nihani says softly.
Antoro’s frown deepens. “Trat may be a small town – only 4600 souls, but we are vital to the Vincha trade road that is maintained by the Orsini Family. Our location in the Central Wilds can not be helped.”
“You control a natural resource of some kind?” guessed Fabro.
Antoro nodded. “Indeed. We have an important mining operation.”
“Mining what?” Dhaja asked.
“It’s rather complicated,” Antoro said in a bored tone. He continues slowly, as if he is worried that those who would be guards are not capable of handling new information: “I’m not sure you would understand. Ah… We dig into the ground. We bring valuable commodities up. Then we sell them.”
Location: Ashen – Tent of Kazim
“I suppose I should tell you who I am, if you don’t already know?” Antoro raises a single brow at this question and looks hopefully at Nihani, Fabro, and Dhaja. Getting only blank stares in reply to his query he frowns and continues, “I am the deputy mayor of Trat – a Vincha settlement sponsored by the Orsini Family out of Corbanile.”
“Never heard of it,” Nihani says softly.
Antoro’s frown deepens. “Trat may be a small town – only 4600 souls, but we are vital to the Vincha trade road that is maintained by the Orsini Family. Our location in the Central Wilds can not be helped.”
“You control a natural resource of some kind?” guessed Fabro.
Antoro nodded. “Indeed. We have an important mining operation.”
“Mining what?” Dhaja asked.
“It’s rather complicated,” Antoro said in a bored tone. He continues slowly, as if he is worried that those who would be guards are not capable of handling new information: “I’m not sure you would understand. Ah… We dig into the ground. We bring valuable commodities up. Then we sell them.”
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Steampunk Nights - Chapter 3
Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Ashen – Tent of Kazim
I entered the tent of Kazim and discovered two others already waiting just inside. A large, broad man with two scimitars crossed on his back – a Dune Walker perhaps? He had a turban with a heavy chainmail veil that hid most of his facial features. This man glanced at me from one corner of his eye and dipped his head slightly. The other figure in the vestibule was a small, black feathered creature with a plume of bright green on his crown. He was bouncing from foot to foot in an almost comical manner, his long beak swaying in time to his motion.
“Do you work for Kazim, friends?” I asked.
The large fellow nodded silently, but the birdman spoke up at once in a high-pitched squawk. “Yes, yes! Doing odd jobs.”
“I am Izyad Mishtan,” I said by way of introduction, “Sheik Kazim said he might be able to find me some adventure to partake of?”
“We also wish to work as guard for the caravan into the wilds,” growled the man in a guttural voice. “I am Mal’Metaf.”
“Yes, yes!” added the feathered one, “And I am Kelbik – called Shunned by the Kenku. I wish to see more of the world!”
“But we must wait,” added Mal’Metaf.
Location: Ashen – Tent of Kazim
I entered the tent of Kazim and discovered two others already waiting just inside. A large, broad man with two scimitars crossed on his back – a Dune Walker perhaps? He had a turban with a heavy chainmail veil that hid most of his facial features. This man glanced at me from one corner of his eye and dipped his head slightly. The other figure in the vestibule was a small, black feathered creature with a plume of bright green on his crown. He was bouncing from foot to foot in an almost comical manner, his long beak swaying in time to his motion.
“Do you work for Kazim, friends?” I asked.
The large fellow nodded silently, but the birdman spoke up at once in a high-pitched squawk. “Yes, yes! Doing odd jobs.”
“I am Izyad Mishtan,” I said by way of introduction, “Sheik Kazim said he might be able to find me some adventure to partake of?”
“We also wish to work as guard for the caravan into the wilds,” growled the man in a guttural voice. “I am Mal’Metaf.”
“Yes, yes!” added the feathered one, “And I am Kelbik – called Shunned by the Kenku. I wish to see more of the world!”
“But we must wait,” added Mal’Metaf.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Steampunk Nights - Chapter 2
Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Ashen
After my needful purchase of ammunition, I wandered through the marketplace, seeing what other wonders I could find in this new town.
Passing through a narrow passage between buildings, I discovered several beggars. As is proper, I gave one of them a coin with the blessings of Osiris. I thought nothing of this act of kindness, but my action was the seed of a tragedy. To think that my charity would cause woe is sorrowful, but Osiris’ determination shall be done!
But to continue my narrative in sequence:
I emerged onto a large open area covered by merchants, tents, carts, and hawkers of every kind. Two large fellows wearing identical robes that hid their entire bodies walked past. My eyes followed them as I attempted to discover if they were of a religious order. Both men had some kind of patch on one shoulder and each had two huge scimitars sheathed on their backs, the sword hilts jutting up over their shoulders. So? Law enforcement, militia, or army?
Location: Ashen
After my needful purchase of ammunition, I wandered through the marketplace, seeing what other wonders I could find in this new town.
Passing through a narrow passage between buildings, I discovered several beggars. As is proper, I gave one of them a coin with the blessings of Osiris. I thought nothing of this act of kindness, but my action was the seed of a tragedy. To think that my charity would cause woe is sorrowful, but Osiris’ determination shall be done!
But to continue my narrative in sequence:
I emerged onto a large open area covered by merchants, tents, carts, and hawkers of every kind. Two large fellows wearing identical robes that hid their entire bodies walked past. My eyes followed them as I attempted to discover if they were of a religious order. Both men had some kind of patch on one shoulder and each had two huge scimitars sheathed on their backs, the sword hilts jutting up over their shoulders. So? Law enforcement, militia, or army?
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Steampunk Nights - Chapter 1
Location: Near and in Ashen
This is the land of wonders that the omens predicted I must visit! I did not think it possible, may Osiris forgive my lack of faith, but how was I to know that such wonders could lie beyond the borders of our monastery?
Hopefully my prior scroll containing the initial description of this land and the course of my travels has arrived safely, but I have received no response. Because of this, I shall forebear sending future messages and keep them on my person until such time as my quest has been completed successfully. I dare not risk this precious knowledge becoming lost or falling into the wrong hands.
It has taken me two tendays of travel and adventures, but at last I have arrived at a larger settlement than the small hamlets and traveling caravans that were my only encounters prior to today. I have practiced some with the strange weapon that I was given for healing the gypsy matron this morning. My skill with the elegant (if noisy) weapon improves. How it functions still eludes me. It is a magic like no other I have seen or heard of.
A New Adventure Begins!
I'll be posting the first of a new RPG-inspired story tonight: Steampunk Nights!
This story will chronologue the on-going events in a new gaming group including myself, Dark Purist, Neil and Kim. They are playing (respectively) Dhaja, Fabro, and Nihani. The game is using the D&D 3.5 rules in the campaign setting I have been working on and off on that is a mixture of fantasy, steampunk, and the Arabian nights.
We may all take turns writing up short stories of the events in this game - so keep your eyes posted for keen updates as we all explore and have adventures galore in this strange new world!
P.S.: The Crossover story with everyone's favorite illithid will continue intermittently as per usual - fear not! Or rather... Go ahead and be very afraid... >:€
This story will chronologue the on-going events in a new gaming group including myself, Dark Purist, Neil and Kim. They are playing (respectively) Dhaja, Fabro, and Nihani. The game is using the D&D 3.5 rules in the campaign setting I have been working on and off on that is a mixture of fantasy, steampunk, and the Arabian nights.
We may all take turns writing up short stories of the events in this game - so keep your eyes posted for keen updates as we all explore and have adventures galore in this strange new world!
P.S.: The Crossover story with everyone's favorite illithid will continue intermittently as per usual - fear not! Or rather... Go ahead and be very afraid... >:€
Sunday, April 21, 2013
AAR: March 29, 2013 - Space Hulk Entry
A mighty space hulk has emerged from a rift in the warp. A monstrous spaceship that bears signs of a rough passage through the warp and the scars of many battles. The markings are strange - unknown. No signals are detected on board. Could just be space garbage, but it never hurts to verify things like this... Both the Orks and the Storm Herald Space Marines send a small expedition to determine the nature of the craft. Their mission objective changes rapidly once the enemy is detected on board an exposed and natural entry point. The goal now is to eliminate the foe and then check out the spacecraft!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 57
Shaddar leaves Kug to his work and seeks out Barrityl and Yanivlitan. He can sense their minds in the main audience chamber and sees that they have things to discuss with him from their thoughts.
“Report!” Shaddar barks as he enters the hall. He strides briskly to the pair of drow and stops with his hands on his hips.
Barrityl bows slightly as he responds, “Great one, you will be pleased to hear that there are so many worthy drow who could be useful as a part of your army that we do not have room to house them all inside the palace.”
“This is a gratifying problem to be presented with,” Shaddar says with a nod.
“Many of the lower classes of drow were quite excited with the idea of not doing their normal labors for the humans and instead to do something for the glory of the drow race,” Barrityl says with pride.
“Report!” Shaddar barks as he enters the hall. He strides briskly to the pair of drow and stops with his hands on his hips.
Barrityl bows slightly as he responds, “Great one, you will be pleased to hear that there are so many worthy drow who could be useful as a part of your army that we do not have room to house them all inside the palace.”
“This is a gratifying problem to be presented with,” Shaddar says with a nod.
“Many of the lower classes of drow were quite excited with the idea of not doing their normal labors for the humans and instead to do something for the glory of the drow race,” Barrityl says with pride.
Crossover - Chapter 56
The brawlers and other members of Flame’s group stand in shock, staring at the body that now lies on the floor of the pub. Shaddar mops delicately at his mouth with a handkerchief.
“Over here men, please,” Shaddar commands, pointing at the corpse. “The fluids will be finished draining momentarily and you can deliver my completed message – sans about nine pounds – to the Guildmaster.”
One of the burly men turns away and becomes sick behind one of the tables in the pub. All of them are pale and motionless – frozen with fear. Pathetic.
Shaddar turns to his thrall and says, “To the victor go the spoils!”
“Over here men, please,” Shaddar commands, pointing at the corpse. “The fluids will be finished draining momentarily and you can deliver my completed message – sans about nine pounds – to the Guildmaster.”
One of the burly men turns away and becomes sick behind one of the tables in the pub. All of them are pale and motionless – frozen with fear. Pathetic.
Shaddar turns to his thrall and says, “To the victor go the spoils!”
Crossover - Chapter 55
Shaddar waits by the bar and the regulars of Goggo’s Fisticuff Pit stay well away from him. Even they can sense he wishes to be left alone.
Toothsnatcher waits nearby, but close to the door in order to intercept any threats that enter the building. He is surrounded by slightly drunk fans who are congratulating him on his victory and questioning him as to his fighting style and where he learned it. The minotaur mostly answers in monosyllables or a variety of grunts. The locals find his behavior quite novel and there is much laughter from their group.
“Where’d ya get this scar?” asks one of the men.
“Someone was clawing at me as I broke his neck with my bare hands,” growls the annoyed minotaur.
The group surrounding him laughs and raise their mugs to his grim reply. It is obvious from their thoughts that they do not understand that Toothsnatcher is being quite truthful.
Shaddar shakes his head. “Idiots. They must have never heard the proverb: ‘Never pester a minotaur’.”
Toothsnatcher waits nearby, but close to the door in order to intercept any threats that enter the building. He is surrounded by slightly drunk fans who are congratulating him on his victory and questioning him as to his fighting style and where he learned it. The minotaur mostly answers in monosyllables or a variety of grunts. The locals find his behavior quite novel and there is much laughter from their group.
“Where’d ya get this scar?” asks one of the men.
“Someone was clawing at me as I broke his neck with my bare hands,” growls the annoyed minotaur.
The group surrounding him laughs and raise their mugs to his grim reply. It is obvious from their thoughts that they do not understand that Toothsnatcher is being quite truthful.
Shaddar shakes his head. “Idiots. They must have never heard the proverb: ‘Never pester a minotaur’.”
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 54
People flee from before the approach of Shaddar and his blood-splattered thrall. It is not so much their hideous appearance, but the rumors and reports of slaughter that seem to move before them much faster than humans could normally run. Shaddar is amazed at the efficiency of their grapevine.
Doors slams shut and shutter click together as they draw near to each building and the crowds of people are quickly thinning. Those humans who see them, invariably turn around and run in the opposite direction.
Toothsnatcher is enjoying himself immensely. “Best day ever!” he thinks, quite pleased that Shaddar is pushing deeper into the slums and seems intent on causing more trouble.
“It is useful to have happy thralls – they seem to work more efficiently when they find their orders agreeable,” Shaddar thinks.
Doors slams shut and shutter click together as they draw near to each building and the crowds of people are quickly thinning. Those humans who see them, invariably turn around and run in the opposite direction.
Toothsnatcher is enjoying himself immensely. “Best day ever!” he thinks, quite pleased that Shaddar is pushing deeper into the slums and seems intent on causing more trouble.
“It is useful to have happy thralls – they seem to work more efficiently when they find their orders agreeable,” Shaddar thinks.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 53
Shaddar and Toothsnatcher look very out of place with the well-dressed and excited people whom they stand in line with. The thought of, “Why are these two freaks in line? Aren’t they entertainers?” runs through most of their minds.
The exceptions are those members of the Guild of Villains who are running this scam.
“Ha! These fools literally throw their gold at us!”
“That man in the purple vest and wearing a gold monocle is here to inquire about his dog’s health. Best get that tidbit to Martus.”
“Say… Isn’t that tall fellow wearing a funny uniform… Hold on… Oh, no! The Guild of Swashbuckling Rogues!”
The exceptions are those members of the Guild of Villains who are running this scam.
“Ha! These fools literally throw their gold at us!”
“That man in the purple vest and wearing a gold monocle is here to inquire about his dog’s health. Best get that tidbit to Martus.”
“Say… Isn’t that tall fellow wearing a funny uniform… Hold on… Oh, no! The Guild of Swashbuckling Rogues!”
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 52
Barrityl is going to be gone for quite a while – handling all of the orders that Shaddar (and Cutt) gave him. Hawke begins yelling orders at the drow porters as to where things should go and what should be unpacked first.
Half of the drow who serve in the underground palace are excited or satisfied (for many different reasons. Some were disgruntled with the old leadership, some are still dazzled by his mental suggestions, some wanted change, etc. As for the rest? They are utterly terrified. This is acceptable.
“It is boring here and I tire of second-hand reports,” Shaddar thinks. “I shall go into the slums to taste the dark winds of change for myself!”
He takes Toothsnatcher with him. He makes sure that the minotaur is wearing his standard, mediocre Swashbuckling Rogue attire. Those who think that his group has been eliminated must be taught differently.
Half of the drow who serve in the underground palace are excited or satisfied (for many different reasons. Some were disgruntled with the old leadership, some are still dazzled by his mental suggestions, some wanted change, etc. As for the rest? They are utterly terrified. This is acceptable.
“It is boring here and I tire of second-hand reports,” Shaddar thinks. “I shall go into the slums to taste the dark winds of change for myself!”
He takes Toothsnatcher with him. He makes sure that the minotaur is wearing his standard, mediocre Swashbuckling Rogue attire. Those who think that his group has been eliminated must be taught differently.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 51
The last of the chests and boxes have been loaded by the drow that Shaddar brought with him from the underground palace. It is time to leave.
“Hawke? Walk with me. I’m sure you have much more to tell me of my time while I was away. We can speak on these matters as we travel to our new base of operations.”
“Of course, Boss,” Hawke replies somewhat uncertainly. He is still a bit hesitant to live in a home built by the palehairs, but will do as he is ordered to by Shaddar. Good.
“Before we begin, I have an additional task for you to give to your network.”
“Hawke? Walk with me. I’m sure you have much more to tell me of my time while I was away. We can speak on these matters as we travel to our new base of operations.”
“Of course, Boss,” Hawke replies somewhat uncertainly. He is still a bit hesitant to live in a home built by the palehairs, but will do as he is ordered to by Shaddar. Good.
“Before we begin, I have an additional task for you to give to your network.”
Monday, February 25, 2013
AAR: February 16, 2013 - Green Dye Number 14
A small party of crazed, junkie orks have struck at a small storage depot. The Storm Heralds can't figure out what the tactical or strategic significance of this target is until they read what is stored here: Imperial Green Dye #14...
"Ah, ha! It's that maniac, Mega-Warboss Chainsaw, brothers! He's a Green Dye #14 addict! To the droppods!"
"Ah, ha! It's that maniac, Mega-Warboss Chainsaw, brothers! He's a Green Dye #14 addict! To the droppods!"
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 50
It is clear that Shaddar’s appearance has upset the drow elder’s sleep schedule. All three of the ancient dark elf leaders jump as the double doors fly open and slam into the walls with a bang. None of them look happy to see him.
The sole female elder looks terrible with lines of deep depression clearly etched in her face. It looks like she has not been sleeping or eating very well at all. She appears to be even further aged – something Shaddar did not believe was possible.
“The Harvester returns,” Griselle thinks with frantic dread, “Will he bring us any reason to have optimism? Oh, why do I torment myself with such thoughts? It is hopeless! Our doom is sealed. Doubtless he comes with a missive that promises an eternity of darkness and pain…”
The second drow elder that Shaddar examines as he walks across the room glares at him with unfeigned and unmasked hostility.
“Drips and spots! He’s back – and looking even more fancy than he did on his last visit,” thinks the sorcerer Filazar, “I wonder what insipid demand he will make this time? It’s a good thing I was able to summon my best assassins and hide them in the other room. I can’t wait to call them in on one excuse or another and humble this fraud for good!”
The sole female elder looks terrible with lines of deep depression clearly etched in her face. It looks like she has not been sleeping or eating very well at all. She appears to be even further aged – something Shaddar did not believe was possible.
“The Harvester returns,” Griselle thinks with frantic dread, “Will he bring us any reason to have optimism? Oh, why do I torment myself with such thoughts? It is hopeless! Our doom is sealed. Doubtless he comes with a missive that promises an eternity of darkness and pain…”
The second drow elder that Shaddar examines as he walks across the room glares at him with unfeigned and unmasked hostility.
“Drips and spots! He’s back – and looking even more fancy than he did on his last visit,” thinks the sorcerer Filazar, “I wonder what insipid demand he will make this time? It’s a good thing I was able to summon my best assassins and hide them in the other room. I can’t wait to call them in on one excuse or another and humble this fraud for good!”
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 49
“So where is our new headquarters going to be?” Hawke asks.
“The dark elves have a facility that will suit us perfectly. I will be leaving to gain unrestricted access and cooperation from their elders soon,” Shaddar explains.
“Bunking with palehairs? Ugh!” the man thinks, but Shaddar notes that none of his inner emotion reaches his facial features.
Shaddar continues with an upraised finger, “Actually, I believe that it will be more like a hostile takeover. I do not expect them to welcome us with open arms to their finest and most secret lair.”
Hawke barks a laugh. “Not one of their hovels, then?”
“Oh, no,” Shaddar says with a tone of distaste, “Just wait, Hawke. It is a fitting location for men of our stature.”
Hawke shakes his head. “No disrespect meant, but I’ll believe that the palehairs are capable of making a place like that when I see it, Boss.”
“The dark elves have a facility that will suit us perfectly. I will be leaving to gain unrestricted access and cooperation from their elders soon,” Shaddar explains.
“Bunking with palehairs? Ugh!” the man thinks, but Shaddar notes that none of his inner emotion reaches his facial features.
Shaddar continues with an upraised finger, “Actually, I believe that it will be more like a hostile takeover. I do not expect them to welcome us with open arms to their finest and most secret lair.”
Hawke barks a laugh. “Not one of their hovels, then?”
“Oh, no,” Shaddar says with a tone of distaste, “Just wait, Hawke. It is a fitting location for men of our stature.”
Hawke shakes his head. “No disrespect meant, but I’ll believe that the palehairs are capable of making a place like that when I see it, Boss.”
Friday, February 15, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 48
Back in the border zone of Big City once more, Loolipo guides them into a part of town Shaddar has not visited before. The place is clearly abandoned with many of the buildings having been torn down or burned several years ago.
“Hawke told us that this place used to be the main part of town for the hobgoblins to live,” Loolipo says quietly, “It was burned by the Guild of Villains during a riot long ago and never refurbished.”
Kug snorts. “Just made us cram into the palehair ghetto is all they did,” he says with disgust, “I’ve heard the story many times from my band’s chiefs. They fixed most of their own warehouses, where we store furniture and other fine things until some human wants it, but not any of our dens or gathering halls.” The hobgoblin spits to one side of the wagon. “I hate humans…”
“Rightfully so, General. But be patient: Retribution is coming,” Shaddar promises. He notes with satisfaction that many of the other hobgoblins have listened in on this exchange. Good.
“Hawke told us that this place used to be the main part of town for the hobgoblins to live,” Loolipo says quietly, “It was burned by the Guild of Villains during a riot long ago and never refurbished.”
Kug snorts. “Just made us cram into the palehair ghetto is all they did,” he says with disgust, “I’ve heard the story many times from my band’s chiefs. They fixed most of their own warehouses, where we store furniture and other fine things until some human wants it, but not any of our dens or gathering halls.” The hobgoblin spits to one side of the wagon. “I hate humans…”
“Rightfully so, General. But be patient: Retribution is coming,” Shaddar promises. He notes with satisfaction that many of the other hobgoblins have listened in on this exchange. Good.
Crossover - Chapter 47
Shaddar is certain that either the Lords or the Mist of Darkness will be after him en masse quite soon. Because of this, he has no choice but to abandon the Jester and Hawk Meadhall as his center of operations. He plans to visit the drow Elders again and make them an offer they can’t refuse. Either they will follow him willingly or he will have Cutt clean up a lot of elf blood from his newly emptied underground palace...
It is unlikely that the Knights will be able to keep their masters in the dark about the ‘winds of change’ that have begun to blow through their city. Either news of the vile rumors Shaddar spread, the unrest he has caused, or this latest provocation of stealing their tribute will cause the Lords to act.
As for the Mist of Darkness? Well. He has no way of contacting them directly, but it is clear that their people have been watching some of his minions at the very least. But not him and his own personal activities. No, he has remained fairly well hidden and can avoid any competent minds that are seeking him out. Shaddar is quite certain that they have no idea that he left the city.
It is unlikely that the Knights will be able to keep their masters in the dark about the ‘winds of change’ that have begun to blow through their city. Either news of the vile rumors Shaddar spread, the unrest he has caused, or this latest provocation of stealing their tribute will cause the Lords to act.
As for the Mist of Darkness? Well. He has no way of contacting them directly, but it is clear that their people have been watching some of his minions at the very least. But not him and his own personal activities. No, he has remained fairly well hidden and can avoid any competent minds that are seeking him out. Shaddar is quite certain that they have no idea that he left the city.
Crossover - Chapter 46
Once they reach the top of the ramp and can see the stars at the top of the Well – it happens.
The slave who is being forced to be the leader of their expedition has an exceptionally bad time…
From one side of the archway a clawed hand darts out and rips the fellow’s throat into a red ruin. The claw’s owner steps out of the shadows with a hiss and Shaddar recognizes it as a vampire spawn.
“You dare to defy the UnderKing? This place is not for you! It is not for anyone!” it snarls, “You die, desecraters!”
Toothsnatcher responds with eagerness to not only remove the threat, but to test his new axe in combat. He is not disappointed in the results.
The slave who is being forced to be the leader of their expedition has an exceptionally bad time…
From one side of the archway a clawed hand darts out and rips the fellow’s throat into a red ruin. The claw’s owner steps out of the shadows with a hiss and Shaddar recognizes it as a vampire spawn.
“You dare to defy the UnderKing? This place is not for you! It is not for anyone!” it snarls, “You die, desecraters!”
Toothsnatcher responds with eagerness to not only remove the threat, but to test his new axe in combat. He is not disappointed in the results.
Crossover - Chapter 45
Felinxtrath obviously had massive creative control over this world as it came into being; power sufficient to create finery and pomp fit for a king – so he did so.
“And here it is,” Shaddar thinks with his eyes creasing with delight, “All for me.”
Piles of gold nuggets, glass dishes overflowing with richly-colored, dark gemstones, and racks of finely-crafted armor and weapons are immediately visible. All of it arranged to impress those who might be on hand to witness the grand opening of the treasure chamber.
And it works. Shaddar’s small force of hobgoblins is impressed. Even the slaves are murmuring to one another at the sight. Shaddar, however, is not dazzled for long by such trinkets. He strides into the room, casting his eyes about for something more. Works of incomparable artwork line the walls interspersed with further piles of riches. The artwork is of high quality, but to Shaddar’s eyes it is nothing but refuse; each piece has Felinxtrath’s repulsive features on it somewhere, ruining the lot. As for wealth? Ho-hum.
“Surely this is not all? I am certain that my dead master would have made himself something even more impressive and powerful than mere riches. They must around here some–“ His thoughts stop and he makes a satisfied slurping noise as he sees what he knew must be here.
“And here it is,” Shaddar thinks with his eyes creasing with delight, “All for me.”
Piles of gold nuggets, glass dishes overflowing with richly-colored, dark gemstones, and racks of finely-crafted armor and weapons are immediately visible. All of it arranged to impress those who might be on hand to witness the grand opening of the treasure chamber.
And it works. Shaddar’s small force of hobgoblins is impressed. Even the slaves are murmuring to one another at the sight. Shaddar, however, is not dazzled for long by such trinkets. He strides into the room, casting his eyes about for something more. Works of incomparable artwork line the walls interspersed with further piles of riches. The artwork is of high quality, but to Shaddar’s eyes it is nothing but refuse; each piece has Felinxtrath’s repulsive features on it somewhere, ruining the lot. As for wealth? Ho-hum.
“Surely this is not all? I am certain that my dead master would have made himself something even more impressive and powerful than mere riches. They must around here some–“ His thoughts stop and he makes a satisfied slurping noise as he sees what he knew must be here.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
AAR: December 27, 2012 - Jailbreak Hijinx
Space marine forces in orbit have detected strange energy readings on the surface, and have determined that a kontrapshun of vile Orky design is the source! Scans indicate that a large Ork warband is huddled around the device, which techmarines aboard the Storm Herald battle-barge Harbinger of Absolution have deduced is being used to open a rift to the an ill-advised attempt to bring their foul god Mork into being! Needing a diversion to bait the hoard away from the device so that the space marines may destroy it, Captain Drakon suggests a novel idea: retrofit a drop pod to double as a containment cell, and drop the newly "incarcerated" Ol' Boomy down to the surface, in plain view of the Orkz! When they invariably move to break their saucy komradd our of his prison, the space marine strike force will surge to the newly vacated Ork position around the foul device and smash it! A clever plan...but will the execution prevail?
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 44
This is a disaster. A disaster!
The Realm is a world based on sound illithid principles, but then the blueprints were torn to fragments and it has been finished by the insane and stupid. And then! Then it has run out of control, like a drunken troglodyte in a cave filled with shrieking mushrooms!
And Shaddar is stuck in the middle of this unstable matrix? Oh. My.
“If this is record of how the world works, then perhaps I can glean something of the rules by reading what the four slaves created before they were consumed by the forces of the experiment,” he thinks with forlorn hopes. How likely is it that the four tortured slaves would mentally co-operate, such that the chair and other magical equipment would understand and process their commands?
The Realm is a world based on sound illithid principles, but then the blueprints were torn to fragments and it has been finished by the insane and stupid. And then! Then it has run out of control, like a drunken troglodyte in a cave filled with shrieking mushrooms!
And Shaddar is stuck in the middle of this unstable matrix? Oh. My.
“If this is record of how the world works, then perhaps I can glean something of the rules by reading what the four slaves created before they were consumed by the forces of the experiment,” he thinks with forlorn hopes. How likely is it that the four tortured slaves would mentally co-operate, such that the chair and other magical equipment would understand and process their commands?
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 43
There is much groaning when Shaddar kicks the hobgoblins and slaves awake after their extravagant rest.
“Up! We have much to explore and discover!” he urges.
A thought he had as he awakened is that Felinxtrath may have created a stash of powerful arms, weapons, or magical items for his own personal use in this world. If so, he would have hidden it somewhere in the city. If such a trove exists, Shaddar will have it for his own!
Even if this thought is a vain one, the work of centuries of illithid study were done here in this ancient city – stored away as a gift to ‘the long-tentacled one’. Shaddar feels a burning need for the results and research that would have been collected. He looks forward to finding it and… What was the term the drow elders used? Ah, yes… Harvesting the knowledge.
These thoughts encourage him to be even more blunt than usual with his minions.
“We leave now,” he states simply and then walks off with Toothsnatcher. The hobgoblins and slaves have to run to catch up with him, but none of them want to be left alone in this strange ruin.
“Up! We have much to explore and discover!” he urges.
A thought he had as he awakened is that Felinxtrath may have created a stash of powerful arms, weapons, or magical items for his own personal use in this world. If so, he would have hidden it somewhere in the city. If such a trove exists, Shaddar will have it for his own!
Even if this thought is a vain one, the work of centuries of illithid study were done here in this ancient city – stored away as a gift to ‘the long-tentacled one’. Shaddar feels a burning need for the results and research that would have been collected. He looks forward to finding it and… What was the term the drow elders used? Ah, yes… Harvesting the knowledge.
These thoughts encourage him to be even more blunt than usual with his minions.
“We leave now,” he states simply and then walks off with Toothsnatcher. The hobgoblins and slaves have to run to catch up with him, but none of them want to be left alone in this strange ruin.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 42
After the excitement of the battle wears off, Shaddar orders his hobgoblin minions back to the task of breaking through the sealed archway.
There are four different layers of brick, each done with a different style of work. This indicates that on four different occasions someone returned to this place to further seal whatever lays beyond. Shaddar’s tentacles twitch with anticipation and other facial signs of speculation.
When the workers finally break through the last layer of the wall a rush of foul air blasts dust and brick chips into the hobgoblin’s faces. Coughing and sputtering they back away from the hole.
“It has not been disturbed in all this time. Nor has the chamber been breached anywhere else – otherwise there wouldn’t be the buildup of stagnant air pressure,” Shaddar thinks.
Shaddar walks forward to be the first to enter this new area. His minions follow him with trepidation, murmuring many questions as they see what lies beyond.
“I’ve never seen anything like it!”
“The curves hurt my eyes!”
“What is it?” Many of the hobgoblins ask and think this question as they stare with wonder.
Shaddar puts his hands on his hips on the other side as he surveys the scene that he can see in the dim light. He decides to grace his minions with an answer to their primary question.
“It is the ruin of an illithid city,” he says softly.
There are four different layers of brick, each done with a different style of work. This indicates that on four different occasions someone returned to this place to further seal whatever lays beyond. Shaddar’s tentacles twitch with anticipation and other facial signs of speculation.
When the workers finally break through the last layer of the wall a rush of foul air blasts dust and brick chips into the hobgoblin’s faces. Coughing and sputtering they back away from the hole.
“It has not been disturbed in all this time. Nor has the chamber been breached anywhere else – otherwise there wouldn’t be the buildup of stagnant air pressure,” Shaddar thinks.
Shaddar walks forward to be the first to enter this new area. His minions follow him with trepidation, murmuring many questions as they see what lies beyond.
“I’ve never seen anything like it!”
“The curves hurt my eyes!”
“What is it?” Many of the hobgoblins ask and think this question as they stare with wonder.
Shaddar puts his hands on his hips on the other side as he surveys the scene that he can see in the dim light. He decides to grace his minions with an answer to their primary question.
“It is the ruin of an illithid city,” he says softly.
Mek Lab - Modular Chemical Plant

"Huh. Datz why I only eatz grotz dat I seen growd up around me lab. Whalp! I kan help ya ladz - fer a small fee of teef dat iz... Open wide now! ... Dat wasn't so bad, woz it? Now den: Seein' az how diz cravin' might be building up ovar time, I'll git ya one betta - a modula' chemical plant that we kan add productshan onta laterz. Dat's brillant! No - datz wot yer suppous'd ta say..."
Modular Chemical Plant
A big pile of trash and some orkish no-wotz will make this a propa factory that will be suitable fer any need! The steps below are a bit contrived as the project actually happened in kind of a wild ork-y spasm, but whadayaexpect?Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Crossover - Chapter 41
Shaddar hurries his minions along the path. It soon turns and dips, leading further down into the deep. The remains of what look like an aqueduct emerges from one side of the hall and travels down with them, but no liquid flows from it’s broken pipework.
A series of four holes run down one side of the tunnel. The holes look like they at one time accepted some kind of geared device. There are marks and scuffs that were some kind of wheels as well, bordering the holes. Shaddar think that perhaps there used to be a slave-powered trolley to spare those of the race the tedium of walking up and down the lengthy tunnel. Felinxtrath often spoke of his ideas for such devices.
The descent is long and tiring. Too taxing on the slaves than Shaddar can believe as they must stop only partway down in order to allow them and the equally sore, but less vocal about it, hobgoblins to sleep. Shaddar is appalled at the level of sloth the weaker races all share. He orders that the slaves be gagged to quiet their obnoxious cries for food and water.
“We is hungry, too, master,” Kug explains.
Shaddar arches an eyebrow and looks over the exhausted slaves. Yes. A bit of a snack might be nice – and it might also encourage greater speed and fewer complaints if done properly.
A series of four holes run down one side of the tunnel. The holes look like they at one time accepted some kind of geared device. There are marks and scuffs that were some kind of wheels as well, bordering the holes. Shaddar think that perhaps there used to be a slave-powered trolley to spare those of the race the tedium of walking up and down the lengthy tunnel. Felinxtrath often spoke of his ideas for such devices.
The descent is long and tiring. Too taxing on the slaves than Shaddar can believe as they must stop only partway down in order to allow them and the equally sore, but less vocal about it, hobgoblins to sleep. Shaddar is appalled at the level of sloth the weaker races all share. He orders that the slaves be gagged to quiet their obnoxious cries for food and water.
“We is hungry, too, master,” Kug explains.
Shaddar arches an eyebrow and looks over the exhausted slaves. Yes. A bit of a snack might be nice – and it might also encourage greater speed and fewer complaints if done properly.
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