"Ah, ha! It's that maniac, Mega-Warboss Chainsaw, brothers! He's a Green Dye #14 addict! To the droppods!"

The orks have already blown one of the tanks open in order to feed Mega-Warboss Chainsaw's addiction to the normal-seeming chemical substance.
Imperial Apothecaries are studying this food additive with all speed to determine if a anti-ork spray can be developed from it, but so far all they have is a powerful ork-attractant.
Not very helpful, really...

Chainsawz Ladz:
HQ - Mega-Warboss Chainsaw (Master of the WAAAGH!, Ammo runt)
Elites - 14x Tankbustaz (Nob)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Heavy Support - Deff Dread (Kustom mega-blasta, Scorcha)
"Dis green goop iz all ourz! Go find yer own!"
Dark Purifiers
HQ - Captain Drakon (Thunder Hammer)
HQ - Librarian (Storm Sheild, Terminator Armor, Vortex of Doom, Gate of Infinity)
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines (Flamer, Heavy bolter)
Troops - 8x Scouts with Sgt. Immortus (Missile launcher, Sniper rifles)
Fast Attack - 10x Assault Marines (Jump packs, Bolt pistols, Chainswords)
Heavy Support - Predator Tank (Auto-cannon, 2x Heavy bolters, Stormbolter, Hunter-killer missile)
"Hold the line!"

The space marines, lead by Captain Drakon move towards the ork position by deploying to the blue corner.
The frothing ork horde is only kept in check by the might of Chainsaw's fury. They see that their stock of stolen green dye #14 is threatened by the space marines and are livid.
"Dey wantz 'n undis-erv'd bit ov our green goop! It'z all ourz! OURZ!!! WAAAGH!!!"
Two full-strength Mobs of boyz prepare to swarm the space marines. The Deffdread and Tankbustaz are in-between these two raving mobs, waiting for their chance to hurt the 'umies.
"They are all junked up on that stuff, captain!"
"How can you tell, brother? Orks always act like they are high and insane. No matter - we shall purge them of all their ills this day."
Captain Drakon and the Librarian both are with the line of Tactical marines.
The Assault Marines await the order to leap up from behind the reinforced chemical bunker they have taken cover behind.
The snipers form a line of large-bore weaponry and flex their eager trigger fingers in anticipation of scoring some greenskin kills.
The dance with death will now begin!

Mob1 surges around the rusty water tank, shooting their sluggas into the air just to make noise.
Mob2 slides into the gap and move forward towards the space marine forces.
The Tankbustaz move towards the center and the Deffdread doesn't move at all. The giant robot pilot is still slurping his share of the green dye and can't be bother with thinking about combat yet.
Because all of the orks ran, none of them can do any effective shooting this turn.
The Deffdread can't even see anyone - he's too juiced up on #14!
The Librarian uses his Gate of Infinity power to teleport to the aid of the Snipers. His landing zone scatters, but in a helpful direction and he ends up right in front of the unit he wanted to get to.
The Predator tank moves to line up on the long column of orks that make up Mob2.
The Assault marines leap to a better position to sneak-attack Mob1 next turn.
The space marines open fire on the madly rushing ork mobs:
- The Snipers shoot Mob1. 4 of the ladz die and the nob takes a bullet courtesy of Sargent Immortus.
- The Predator tank opens fire with its main gun. A single lad in Mob2 eats the explosive auto-cannon shell and dies in a blaze of gory glory.
- Tactical squad1 opens fire at Mob2 as well and they take out another 2 ladz.

Mob1 slows their pace a bit in order to shoot after they aim. Hopefully that will work better for them...
Mob2 continues to run at full speed towards the space marine invaders.
The Tankbustaz move in behind Mob2, hoping to get in some licks on the juicy tankish target that they see.
The Deffdread moves out to follow Chainsaw and Mob1 - If there is more Green Dye #14, then surly that is where the mighty warboss is headed, after all!
The orks forget that they need to aim their sluggaz AT the enemy. They waste their ammunition in a futile effort of shooting straight up and hoping that the slugs will hit a space marine on the top of their head as the rounds fall back down.
They all are disappointed.
"How can they be so dumb, brother librarian?"
"It is a fine example that proves the saying, brothers: Don't do drugs!"
The Assault marines soar up over the administrative building and land right in front of Mob1, spoiling the orks hopes of being able to crash into the lightly-armored Snipers uncontested.
Shaking their heads in disbelief at the orks stupidity, the humans open fire:
- The Librarian pulls power from the Warp and opens a Vortex of Doom. The effect scatters very badly and doesn't even open up on the battlefield at all.
- The Snipers open up on Mob1 and manage to ring 3 ladz bells.
- The Assault marines shoot into Mob1 and kill another 2 of them.
- Tactical squad1 unleashes a hail of bolter fire and take out 5 ladz for Mob2.
- The Predator tank shoots all of it's weapons into the screaming mass of Mob2 and wipes out 5 ladz in an impressive display of firepower.
The Assault marines dive into Mob1, chainswords first, carving up and chunking 8 orks at the loss of but a single space marine.
The crazed aliens are heedless of their losses and are consumed with a drug-induced haze of bloodlust.

"We not dum! We shoz youse! WAAAGH!"
With the mighty war cry, three of the four ork units slam into their foes.
The Tankbustaz are still too far away for that, so they run straight at the shiny tank that they are hoping they will get to blow up.
Mob1 rips and tears at the Assault marines and the carnage is horrible. 6 marines go down and only 2 more orks fall. The Assault marines are filled with insane courage and refuse to show even a hint of weakness before this alien filth.
Mob2 hits Tactical squad1 and do a bit of damage, but get a bit than they bargained for handed back to them in return. 4 of the marines die and Captain Darkon is wounded, but they lose 6 ladz in the process.
The Deffdread spins up it's foul counter-rotating buzzsaw and chops a marine into slices. The two survivors try to place krak grenades on the war machine, but it shrugs off the detonations.
They fall back to regroup and pull out their secondary krak grenades for another go at it later.
Seeing an opportunity to keep the heavy weapons of the ork Tankbustaz from doing any damage at all, the two Assault marines jump over to these orks to get in their business.
Triggers are pulled in anger:
- The Librarian again attacks Mob1 with the Vortex of Doom, but it scatters again and harms none of the target.
- The Snipers shoot Mob1 and some hot shrapnel manages to wound Mega-Warboss Chainsaw.
- The Predator tank sprays death into the midst of Mob2 and 5 more ladz are brutally put down.
- The Assault marines shoot at the Tankbustaz, but the tough orks shrug off the damage.
- Tactical squad1 rushes Mob2 and crashes into close quarters combat with them. 2 orks die, but another marine falls and the Captain takes another wound. This conflict is a draw and will continue next turn.

Feeling the power of the WAAAGH! slipping away, Mob1 runs to the Snipers.
The Deffdread also moves at top speed, positioning itself to jump around the corner and cut the tank in half next turn.
Many awful orkish assaults happen next:
- Mega-Warboss Chainsaw and the Librarian faces off in mano-a-greeno combat. The Librarian is badly wounded while Chainsaw laughs nasally.
- Mob1 assaults the Snipers. S6 of the Snipers are torn apart at no loss whatsoever.
- Mob2 assaults Tactical squad1 and even though casualties are light on both sides, with only one marine dying and 2 orks buying the farm, the remaining orks have had enough and they flee.
- The Tankbustaz assault the Assault marines in a blunder of misunderstanding semantics. 3 of their number fall to the marine's chainswords. None of the marines have a problem doing the job they are best suited for. As the humbled orks turn to flee, the two Assault marines complete the Emperor's work and slay them all.
Feeling flush with their victory over the Tankbustaz, the Assault marines move to try to take out the Deffdread once again.
The Predator tank move back into the far corner to increase the distance any ork units will have to travel in order to close with it. This will allow the gunner to maximize the utility of his weapons and cut down more of the alien menace.
The Librarian has taken the measure of Mega-Warboss Chainsaw in personal combat and found himself unequal to the task of taking the foul alien down. Thus he decides to fall back with the Snipers. Calling upon his pysker power once again, he opens a Gate of Infinity to teleport himself and his battle-brothers away.
His concentration slips a minute amount as the orks press ever closer, but it is enough to throw off his focus! Instead of appearing close to Captain Drakon, they find themselves inside the blasted tank of Green Dye #14!
"My new camo cloak!" "Where are we?" "What is that stench?"
- Tactical squad1 shoots the looming Mob2 and blows 2 ladz away.
- The Predator tank releases it's single-shot hunter-killer missile, but the Deffdread take the blast right on the front armor and keeps coming.
- The Assault marines toss magnetic krak grenades onto the Deffdread, but neither blast takes out anything vital. The huge war machine rips the arms off of on of the space marines for their insolence.

Mob1 finds itself suddenly quite alone.
"Dis iz embare'ass'in'! We came here ta fight!"
They run towards the sounds of battle at full speed.
Mob2's pitiful remnant continues their flight away from the overwhelming power of the Storm Heralds.
The Deffdread tries to butcher the sole remaining member of the Assault marine squad, but roars in disappointment as the skilled warrior casually avoids all his attacks.
The Predator tank moves around the far flank of Tactical squad1to keep the range open and yet sight in on the enemy.
The Librarian (somewhat sheepishly) again tries to teleport himself and the surviving Snipers back into the battle.
He succeeds! They appear on a catwalk, with an excellent field of fire and out of reach of orkish choppas.
Cruel attacks are coldly calculated:
- Tactical squad1 continues to shoot the fleeing orks of Mob2 in the back as they run away. 3 ladz are taken out much to Captain Drakon's approval.
- The Predator tank sees how much fun it is to pick orks off as they run and has a go as well. The tank's gunner kills the last boy and wounds the fleeing nob.
- The valorous Assault marine who is battling the Deffdread all by himself can't cover his rear and gets his back chewed up with a snipping power claw. The Deffdread lifts the mortally wounded space marine into the air and takes his time carving off limbs.

Leaving a horrible blood trail behind him, the lone survivor of Mob2 continues to flee.
Mega-Warboss Chainsaw leads Mob1 in their futile attempt to reach Tactical squad1 before the conflict is over.
The Deffdread also moves in to threaten the last group of space marines in their corner.
The Deffdread opens up with it's bizarre weapons and wounds Captain Drakon with a Kustom mega blasta beam.
The space marines feel like they have the orks right where they want them. Not a man moves from his position and they open fire at the exposed alien forces.
The Predator tank levels all guns at Mob1 and opens up, killing 3 ladz.
The Snipers use their excellent position to try and snipe something vital on the Deffdread. The war machine is amazingly well piloted and armored (kudos to Mek Gearsnick!) and avoids and critical damage.
At the end of turn 6 the game is over!

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