Chainsawz Ladz:
HQ - Mega-Warboss Chainsaw (Master of the WAAAGH!, Ammo runt)
HQ - Big Mek (Shokk attack gun, Cybork, 'Eavy armor, Ammo runt)
Troops - Deff Dread (2x Kustom mega-blasta)
Troops - 17x Gretchin (Runtherd)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Heavy Support - 3x Lobba gunz (6x Extra crew, Runtherd, 3x Ammo runts)
Heavy Support - 8x Flash Gitz (Kaptain Krunktoof, Painboy, Cyborks, Blastas, Shootier)
"Revenge for me pet squig, ladz! 'Nd letz go gitz our fave'rit drunkard!"
Dark Purifiers
HQ - Antonidus Aurelius (Chapter master, Master-crafted power sword)
HQ - Ambrose Praetorius (Chaplain, Jump pack, Master-crafted combi-flamer, Hellfire boltgun rounds)
Elites - 10x Terminators (2x Cyclone missile launchers, Power fists)
Elites - Dreadnought (Multimelta, Stormbolter)
Troops - 5x Tactical Marines
Troops - 5x Tactical Marines
Troops - 5x Tactical Marines
Troops - 5x Tactical Marines
Troops - 8x Scouts with Sgt. Immortus (Missile launcher, Sniper rifles)
Fast Attack - 10x Assault Marines (Jump packs, Bolt pistols, Chainswords)
Heavy Support - Nimbus Engine (Dreadknight, Nemesis greatsword, Thunderstorm cannon, Heavy incinerator, Personal teleporter)
(Further baiting the ever-gullible Mega-Warboss Chainsaw) "That dead squig Fluffy sure makes a fine boot-scrubbing rug, doesn't it, brothers?"

Not having enough room along the long edge to field his massive hoard, Mega-Warboss Chainsaw is forced to keep his deffdread and a mob of boyz in reserve. The rest of his legions blanket the red side in an intimidating display. The lobbaz cower behind the large rock formation at the corner, while the big mek and his flash gitz and gretchin huddle around the strange device.
Objective: (Strange orky device to super-charge the shrine and open a gateway for Mork) How did they make it? How does it work? Does it matter? WAAAGH!!!!
Lord Aurelius has employed a larger number of jump-pack equipped marines for this mission than he normally does, that they may reach the Ork device quickly once the way is clear. The Nimbus Engine guards Ol' Boomy with a contingent of tactical marines, while the terminators wait in the center of their side to crush anything that gets in range. A small squad of tactical marines waits to move up the canyon to support the snipers once Sergeant Immortus give the clear signal.
Objective: (Ol' Boomy in an electrified torture cell)
Ol' Boomy, in all his glory. The modifications made to the drop pod (to allow it to contain a prisoner) made for an unstable descent and a very rough landing. I'm sure the space marines are very concerned.
'Ere we go, then!

All three mobs of boyz run straight towards the sad-looking Ol' Boomy, unheeding of the looming Nimbus Engine that stands between. It must not look very scary from far away.
The big mek fires his vile weapon at the assault marines while they are in mid-flight...snotlings get sucked into the intakes of their jump packs and a hideous crunching/squealing/grinding sound is heard! Flaming gore ejects at high velocity from the exhaust ports on the jump packs, and 5 marines lose control of their jump and crash violently to the ground, slain! The flash gitz fire at the vanguard veterans and obliterate 4 of them! The lobbaz, fearful of the lingering snipers, fire their ordinance but only manage to take out 3 of them.
Seeing the mob of boyz charging down the far canyon, the pilot of the Nimbus Engine moves into the mouth of the canyon to cut them off. The terminators slowly move up the middle of the field, while the remaining jump pack equipped marines fly towards the enemy encampment to unleash their wrath.
The snipers fire at the lobbaz, but only manage to kill 1 puny grot. Chaplain Praetorius unleashes the fury of his combi-flamer into the gretchin mob scurrying around the big mek...roasting 5 alive! A round from a vanguard's bolt pistol pops another in grisly fashion. The 5 assault marines fire their bolt pistols at mob 3, but only kill 1 boy. Lord Aurelius calls in an orbital strike, targeting the flash gitz...but the power of the strange device that they protect must interfere with the orbital targeting, as the attack scatters badly! Seeing their assault marine brother under duress, the terminators unload all of their fearful ordinance into mob 3...killing 11 boyz and wounding the nob! Tactical squad 1 fires at mob 1, but fails to wound. The Nimbus Engine is more productive...it manages to fry 7 boyz between shots from its thunderstorm cannon and heavy incinerator.
Seeing their target weakened from the help they received from the terminators, the assault squad crashes into mob 3, chainswords blazing! The exchange goes badly, however, killing only 4 boyz at the cost of 3 more marines.

Mobs 1 and 2 continue running towards Ol' Boomy, oblivious or uncaring to the carnage being dealt behind and/or at them. The flash gitz also move a small distance forward...perhaps making room for the boyz in reserve?
The flash gitz fire at the vanguards and kill another! The lobbaz take down another 3 snipers with their heavy shells! The big mek fires his custom weaponry at the terminators, but "only" manages to kill 1. The flash gitz then assault Chaplain Praetorius and the remaining vanguard and kill them both, taking no casualties! Mob 3 finishes its business with the assault marines, killing off the last 2 while only losing a single boy!
Lord Aurelius moves to take the position occupied by the Nimbus Engine, confident that he can single-handedly engage the mob and relieving the mighty war machine, that its power may be used in more critical areas. The Nimbus Engine teleports to the top of the canyon wall, surprising mob 2's flank. The terminators continue marching towards the flash gitz and tactical squad 3 moves forward to offer support to the beleaguered snipers.
The snipers again fire at the lobbaz, and again only kill a single grot. Where is the legendary accuracy of Sergeant Immortus?? The terminators seek to avenge their fallen assault marine brothers and again unload on mob 3...and again slaughter 11 boyz! Tactical squad 2 fires at mob1 and kills 3 boyz. Tactical squad 1 fires at the same target and kills 4 more! The Nimbus Engine unloads its terrible weaponry at the startled mob 2, and obliterates 9 boyz!
The terminators assault the remaining boyz in mob 3 and viciously pulverize every single one with the merciless powerfist! Not a single terminator is harmed! The Nimbus Engine slams into the exposed flank of mob2 and slaughters an additional 3 ladz and wounds Mega-Warboss Chainsaw, while suffering 2 wounds itself!

The WAAAGH!!! is invoked, and mob 4 enters the engagement area! Both mobz 1 and 4 surge forward to keep the pressure on the space marine enemy!
The big mek fires again at the terminators, but completely misses due to faulty kalk-u-lay-shuns! He begins to get nervous...they are closing a bit too quickly for his tastes! The flash gitz fire at the terminators and manage to kill 1 of the mighty warriors. The lobbaz turn their attention to the advancing tactical squad 3 and unload, only killing 1...but managing to pin the unsuspecting marines in the process!
Mob 1 charges tactical squad 1 and loses a boy, but manages to wound Lord Aurelius twice; encouraging him to withdraw and join tactical squad 2 instead. 3 marines from tactical squad 1 die covering their chapter master's retreat. Mob 2 continues battling the Nimbus Engine, suffering 3 more losses...but manages to fell the mighty machine in the process! WORTH IT!
The snipers again shoot at the lobbaz, only this time they hit NOTHING! Better go back to the firing range! The terminators fire at the flash gitz, but only manage to kill 1 with storm bolter fire, as all of the krak missiles miss completely! Interference from the strange Ork device must really be interrupting the space marine targeting systems! Tactical squads 1 and 2 both rapid fire into mob1 and kill a combined 5 boyz. Lord Aurelius unloads his thunderbolt cannon on Mob 1 and kills 4 boyz! Mob 1, having never seen such a weapon, breaks and flees in terror at the sight (and smell) of their brethren popping like balls of green popcorn! And who can blame them, really!
The terminators have had enough of the flash gitz and decide to make git-juice with their "power-juicer 40,000" fists. After the sergeant cuts down a git with his power sword, the gitz manage to bring down 2 terminators before the juicing commences. The result is juice from 4 freshly-squeezed gitz. Not thirsty, the rest of the gitz turn and flee in horror!

Mobs 2 and 4 run to support the fleeing Ork units.

The big mek again fires at the terminators, this time managing to hit and killing 4! The hated enemy is slowly losing steam! The lobbaz attempt to continue pinning tactical squad 3, but are unsuccessful and miss. The flash gitz fire at the terminators as they flee, but it seems this is more to cover their cowardly retreat, as no hits are scored.
Tactical squad 3 recovers from the pinning attack and tries to make up lost ground by running towards the lobbaz.
Sergeant Immortus almost miraculously manages to finally hit a target in the lobba group, and pegs the runtherder in the head! The terminators fire at the gretchin guarding the device, killing 5 with frag missiles and another 2 with storm bolters! Tactical squad 2 rapid fires into mob 2 and kills 3 boyz while serving up Mega-Warboss Chainsaw another wound. The terminators then assault the gretchin group...pulping the big mek and his custom mega-blasta! 6 additional gretchin are squashed! The remaining flee in terror!

The Ork deffdread arrives at a critical time to intercept the terminators right as the gretchin break. A terminator's work is never done! Mob 2 runs down the face of the canyon wall, in range to hear Ol' Boomy's excited hoots of impending freedom!
The deffdread kills a terminator with its unconventional guns! The terminator left manages to weather fire from the flash gitz, gretchin, and mob 4 without further casualties, however. The lobbaz fire at tactical squad 3 and kill another marine. There is one terminator left standing...and the deffdread charges it! Who will win??? It seems that the ripping klaws of the deffdread are a bit too much for the ancient armor to handle, as the final terminator gets snipped in half.
Sergeant Immortus directs his remaining team members to fire at the deffdread, hoping to target some fuel lines or an oil pan or some such. The tactic is not successful. Tactical squads 1 and 2 rapid fire into the incoming mob 2 and kill 2 more boyz and wound the nob. Tactical squad 3 fires at the fresh mob 4, but does not cause any fatalities.
It is now up to tactical squad 3 to complete the mission, against overwhelming odds! They assault mob 4 and manage to kill 5 boys while only losing a single marine! A good start on paper, but life is becoming more and more precious as the space marines continue to lose numbers! Can they continue this war of attrition? It looks as though they can, as on the other side of the field of battle, Mega-Warboss Chainsaw is COLDLY CUT DOWN in SINGLE COMBAT by Lord Aurelius! There is hope yet!

Mob 2, unfazed by the sight of their leader's mangled corpse (a few are even snickering), move forward and neutralize the space marines' control of Ol' Boomy! The lobbaz fire at the sniper, but miss. Mob 2 fires at tactical squad 2 and kills a marine. Mob 4 rushes tactical squad 3 and loses 2 boyz, but also kills the remaining 2 marines, effectively ending the space marine rally. Out of spite, mob 2 assaults tactical squad 2 and wipes out the remaining marines.
There is little hope for the marines at this point, only the snipers remain as capable units to destroy the Ork device, and they are too far away and horribly outclassed to boot. Lord Aurelius plans to either personally kill the remainder of mob 2 or send them fleeing, that he may execute Ol' Boomy in plain sight of the remaining Orkz before he pulls his snipers out of the battle.
Lord Aurelius kills 3 boyz with his massive gun and cuts down an additional 4 with his blade, but it is not enough to send the mob packing...HE DOES NOT GET SATISFACTION!
At the end of turn 6 the game is over!

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