Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mek Lab - Mega-Warboss Chainsaw

Our favorite, hard-working Mek recieved a personal summons from the biggest ork he knows.  He's been gone for quite a while...  I hope nothing untoward has happened...

But fear not!  Here he comes now! Mek Gearsnik!

"Dat wuz a close un!  See, da boss heard dat lotz of ladz are thinkin' dat sum greenskin called Ghazghkull Thraka iz da hotniz.  Whalp!  He almost blew hiz top at da newz!  So he iz askin' me ta make him a new outfit - so de ladz will all KNOW who da biggest and baddest ork of dem all iz...  Or elze he will blow MY top off!  No time ta talk now!  Me haz ta get ta werk!"

Mega-Warboss Chainsaw

Much thought, planning, and bit collection has resulted in a Mega-Warboss mini worth of the name: Chainsaw!  Let's watch it happen, shall we?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 6

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location:  Ashen

After leaving Sheik Kazim's tent, we went our separate ways in order to attend to our own final preparations.  I took the opportunity to discover just where this northern road was, being quite unfamiliar with the town.

On the way, I bought a horse and other supplies and foodstuffs that I might need on my journey.  My supply of small gems I brought with me from home was fast dwindling.  Luckily my share of the pay for the job of guarding Antoro's caravan would refill my purse somewhat.  The merchant I worked with was quite helpful in directing me to the proper spot where my rendezvous with the others was to take place.

I was happy to find Fabro next to a wagon of his own when I came upon the road.  He had already harnessed the horses and was tightening straps on some oddly bulky cargo in the rear of the cart.

“Are you bringing a load of trade goods with you to sell in Trat, Fabro?” I asked him.

“Huh?” Fabro glanced over at me as he replied.  Seeing that it was I, he answered, “No, these are my tools.  I don't go anywhere without my tools.”

Monday, May 20, 2013

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 5

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location:  Ashen – Tent of Kazim

Sheik Kazim drew aside the beaded curtain that separated myself, Mal'Metaf, and Kelbik from the main area of the tent once Antoro left.

“Come in!  We must now have a private discussion!” he said.  “You have questions about the assignment, yes?”

“No, no!” Kelbik yelped in his high-pitched voice.

Mal'Metaf shook his head and I followed.  The specifications of the job seemed clear enough to me.

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 4

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location:  Ashen – Tent of Kazim

“I suppose I should tell you who I am, if you don’t already know?” Antoro raises a single brow at this question and looks hopefully at Nihani, Fabro, and Dhaja.  Getting only blank stares in reply to his query he frowns and continues, “I am the deputy mayor of Trat – a Vincha settlement sponsored by the Orsini Family out of Corbanile.”

“Never heard of it,” Nihani says softly.

Antoro’s frown deepens.  “Trat may be a small town – only 4600 souls, but we are vital to the Vincha trade road that is maintained by the Orsini Family.  Our location in the Central Wilds can not be helped.”

“You control a natural resource of some kind?” guessed Fabro.

Antoro nodded.  “Indeed.  We have an important mining operation.”

“Mining what?” Dhaja asked.

“It’s rather complicated,” Antoro said in a bored tone.  He continues slowly, as if he is worried that those who would be guards are not capable of handling new information: “I’m not sure you would understand.  Ah…  We dig into the ground.  We bring valuable commodities up.  Then we sell them.”

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 3

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location:  Ashen – Tent of Kazim

I entered the tent of Kazim and discovered two others already waiting just inside.  A large, broad man with two scimitars crossed on his back – a Dune Walker perhaps?  He had a turban with a heavy chainmail veil that hid most of his facial features.  This man glanced at me from one corner of his eye and dipped his head slightly.  The other figure in the vestibule was a small, black feathered creature with a plume of bright green on his crown.  He was bouncing from foot to foot in an almost comical manner, his long beak swaying in time to his motion.

“Do you work for Kazim, friends?” I asked.

The large fellow nodded silently, but the birdman spoke up at once in a high-pitched squawk.  “Yes, yes!  Doing odd jobs.”

“I am Izyad Mishtan,” I said by way of introduction, “Sheik Kazim said he might be able to find me some adventure to partake of?”

“We also wish to work as guard for the caravan into the wilds,” growled the man in a guttural voice.  “I am Mal’Metaf.”

“Yes, yes!” added the feathered one, “And I am Kelbik – called Shunned by the Kenku.  I wish to see more of the world!”

“But we must wait,” added Mal’Metaf.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 2

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Ashen

After my needful purchase of ammunition, I wandered through the marketplace, seeing what other wonders I could find in this new town.

Passing through a narrow passage between buildings, I discovered several beggars.  As is proper, I gave one of them a coin with the blessings of Osiris.  I thought nothing of this act of kindness, but my action was the seed of a tragedy.  To think that my charity would cause woe is sorrowful, but Osiris’ determination shall be done!

But to continue my narrative in sequence:

I emerged onto a large open area covered by merchants, tents, carts, and hawkers of every kind.  Two large fellows wearing identical robes that hid their entire bodies walked past.  My eyes followed them as I attempted to discover if they were of a religious order.  Both men had some kind of patch on one shoulder and each had two huge scimitars sheathed on their backs, the sword hilts jutting up over their shoulders.  So?  Law enforcement, militia, or army?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 1

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Near and in Ashen

This is the land of wonders that the omens predicted I must visit!  I did not think it possible, may Osiris forgive my lack of faith, but how was I to know that such wonders could lie beyond the borders of our monastery?

Hopefully my prior scroll containing the initial description of this land and the course of my travels has arrived safely, but I have received no response.  Because of this, I shall forebear sending future messages and keep them on my person until such time as my quest has been completed successfully.  I dare not risk this precious knowledge becoming lost or falling into the wrong hands.

It has taken me two tendays of travel and adventures, but at last I have arrived at a larger settlement than the small hamlets and traveling caravans that were my only encounters prior to today.  I have practiced some with the strange weapon that I was given for healing the gypsy matron this morning.  My skill with the elegant (if noisy) weapon improves.  How it functions still eludes me.  It is a magic like no other I have seen or heard of. 

A New Adventure Begins!

I'll be posting the first of a new RPG-inspired story tonight: Steampunk Nights!

This story will chronologue the on-going events in a new gaming group including myself, Dark Purist, Neil and Kim.  They are playing (respectively) Dhaja, Fabro, and Nihani.  The game is using the D&D 3.5 rules in the campaign setting I have been working on and off on that is a mixture of fantasy, steampunk, and the Arabian nights.

We may all take turns writing up short stories of the events in this game - so keep your eyes posted for keen updates as we all explore and have adventures galore in this strange new world!

P.S.: The Crossover story with everyone's favorite illithid will continue intermittently as per usual - fear not!  Or rather... Go ahead and be very afraid...  >:€