Monday, March 24, 2014

Crossover - Chapter 60

Hawke is a bit worried about the price on his head.  It is understandable.  He is very visible and many more than just the Guild of Villains are looking for him now.  The Constables blame him for the drow strike and are looking for him, too.  He gives voice to his concerns, “It’s getting hard for me to get about without bumping into to trouble.  Two groups tried to capture me just this morning.”

Shaddar advises him to no longer risk himself in public.  “If you deem the risk too great, then by all means, remain in the shadows.  It does us no good for you to put yourself at risk needlessly.”

“I’m worried that this Guildmaster won’t know who to fight,” Hawke grumbles. “We don’t want her challenging me directly – that’d do us no good.”

“The Guildmaster will know us better soon enough, have no fear of that!  Another good reason for you to blend in for a while.”  Hakwe nods and leaves to arrange his new and lengthier communication chain.

A ready-made patsy, should I find myself in need of one,” Shaddar thinks with morbid satisfaction.  “Yes, I must keep my options open.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Crossover - Chapter 59

“You, tall one!  No the other tall one!  Yes, you!  Move that heavy thing over there!” Cutt’s voice echoes down the hallway as Shaddar slides through the barely stirring underground lair. 

Shaddar is pleased to see that the svirfneblin has reassembled his alchemical workshop much faster than the initial one took to set up.  One factor could be the score or so of drow ‘assistants’ that Cutt has appropriated.  So long as the pipsqueak doesn’t put on airs again, Shaddar is for anything that will speed the thrall’s productivity.

Shaddar’s hopes that the troublesome little gnome has learned his place is dashed as he hears the gnome continue to order about the drow under his control.

“Good job.  Now move it back to where it was…  Because I say so, tall one!  Now get to it!  Bwah-ha-ha!”

Shaddar sighs heavily.  The work of a master is never done when the slaves are such as Cutt.  He makes a mental note to come up with some random, but memorable, public humiliation to inflict upon the gnome later.

Crossover - Chapter 58

Shaddar awakens and it takes just a moment to review the events of yesterday.  Happy thoughts enough, but he is eager to find out what his minions have accomplished during the night as per his orders.

So many plans were set into motion last night…

Masaxle’s unveiling of the drow artwork was inspiring. 

“Behold the glory of our race!” the crazed artisan had yelled as a group of about 300 stonemasons, students and apprentices had seen his workshop.  The silence of the gawking drow caused Shaddar’s tentacles jerk and writhe in pleasure. 

“It speaks to you, does it not, my children?” Shaddar whispered into the quiet room.  A gentle reminder that their new-found passions and freedoms were linked directly to him.  Excellent.  Excellent.

Monday, December 30, 2013

AAR: June 22, 2013 - Outpost In Distress

An outpost on the fronteir of civilization has sent a distress signal.  One word: "Orks!"  That's enough to send in a recon unit of Space Marines.  Once they arrive, it is as they feared - all of the original occupants have been boiled alive (and eaten with a generous dash of salt).  They vow revenge and face off against the orkz who cackle with glee at the prospect of an after-dinner fight & desert.

Monday, October 21, 2013

AAR: June 3, 2013 - Mixed Motives

In a random occurrence of fate (or is it destiny?) four armies have congregated at the same location for wildly different reasons, but they all see each other in the same light - an unknown and potentially lethal enemy!  Only one of these forces can return successful, three of them will slink home with their goals unfulfilled...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

AAR: June 1, 2013 - Planetfall

Smarting from their last beat-down, the forces of the Ork Horde find a nice defenseless agri-world to plunder.  All was going well for a few days, but then a hideous buzzing filled the skies!  The few humans that remained alive weep for mercy, but none is likely to be forthcoming...  The Tyranids have arrived!  This really annoys the Orks and they gear up to defend their spoils.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 8

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Central Wilds

We had no further trouble that day, nor during the night.  I and my fellows put up a two-person watch (on either end of the campsite) and rotated the duty during the night with each other. 

The teamsters are not in the habit of having any guards at night whatsoever, which seems ridiculous and foolhardy in the extreme.  When Fabro confronted Antoro about this lapse of sound thinking the man replied – “I have a guard dog that barks at beasts and scares them off.” 

The guard dog is a fluffy little thing, no bigger than a wineskin.  Its squeaky yip is not in the least threatening.  How have these people lived unmolested for so many years?  The grace of Osiris must watch over them...

The next day was quite boring.  Not much wildlife or game to be seen.  The monotony did not lessen our vigilance, however!  After the orc scouts we ran into, we and the teamsters were quite diligent in their inspection of the terrain and horizon.  But nothing was out of the ordinary and the day passed quietly.

The same can not be said for the night.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 7

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Central Wilds

Our journey the first day was a non-event.  The weather was fine.  The road was clear.  And we saw nothing alive other than a few deer and birds.  As we had been told, the campsite that we stopped at for the evening was well marked and commonly used.  I had hoped that there would be a wooden picket or watchtowers at such obvious places of rest, but alas!  The townsfolk of Trat looked at me strangely when I commented upon this lack.  Ah, well.

It was during the second day's travel that Nihani spied the orc scouts.

No one else saw them at first.  My first clue that something might be happening is when Nihani urged her glass scorpion to a slightly greater pace, pulling out of position and drawing up next to Dhaja.  I thought nothing of this at first, since we often changed position or rode next to one another to trade a bit of conversation.

With a sudden cry, Nihani jabbed her heels into the flanks of her mount and the beast skittered at a run towards the rear of a hillock that the road was slowly rounding.  I had not yet seen her scorpion move at top speed and it was frighteningly fast!  As she moved, Nihani cried out: “Orcs!  Behind the hill!”

Antoro's head popped out of the door of his cart and he yelped, “What?  Orcs?  Here?”

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

AAR: May 11, 2013 - Interupted Prayers

The Storm Heralds are here to worship - a just reward after months of intense battle.  Unfortunately, the orks are unwilling to give their hated foes even a second of rest and peace.  The vile forces of Warboss Chainsaw have followed the space marines to their religious sanctuary!  The howling drop-rocks of the orks slamming into this hallowed ground have raised the ire of the human warriors and the insult of alien feet on this previously pristine world has enraged them.  Will the Emperor grant them vengeance or will the xenos put yet another place of quiet and beauty to the torch?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mek Lab - Mega-Warboss Chainsaw

Our favorite, hard-working Mek recieved a personal summons from the biggest ork he knows.  He's been gone for quite a while...  I hope nothing untoward has happened...

But fear not!  Here he comes now! Mek Gearsnik!

"Dat wuz a close un!  See, da boss heard dat lotz of ladz are thinkin' dat sum greenskin called Ghazghkull Thraka iz da hotniz.  Whalp!  He almost blew hiz top at da newz!  So he iz askin' me ta make him a new outfit - so de ladz will all KNOW who da biggest and baddest ork of dem all iz...  Or elze he will blow MY top off!  No time ta talk now!  Me haz ta get ta werk!"

Mega-Warboss Chainsaw

Much thought, planning, and bit collection has resulted in a Mega-Warboss mini worth of the name: Chainsaw!  Let's watch it happen, shall we?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 6

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location:  Ashen

After leaving Sheik Kazim's tent, we went our separate ways in order to attend to our own final preparations.  I took the opportunity to discover just where this northern road was, being quite unfamiliar with the town.

On the way, I bought a horse and other supplies and foodstuffs that I might need on my journey.  My supply of small gems I brought with me from home was fast dwindling.  Luckily my share of the pay for the job of guarding Antoro's caravan would refill my purse somewhat.  The merchant I worked with was quite helpful in directing me to the proper spot where my rendezvous with the others was to take place.

I was happy to find Fabro next to a wagon of his own when I came upon the road.  He had already harnessed the horses and was tightening straps on some oddly bulky cargo in the rear of the cart.

“Are you bringing a load of trade goods with you to sell in Trat, Fabro?” I asked him.

“Huh?” Fabro glanced over at me as he replied.  Seeing that it was I, he answered, “No, these are my tools.  I don't go anywhere without my tools.”

Monday, May 20, 2013

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 5

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location:  Ashen – Tent of Kazim

Sheik Kazim drew aside the beaded curtain that separated myself, Mal'Metaf, and Kelbik from the main area of the tent once Antoro left.

“Come in!  We must now have a private discussion!” he said.  “You have questions about the assignment, yes?”

“No, no!” Kelbik yelped in his high-pitched voice.

Mal'Metaf shook his head and I followed.  The specifications of the job seemed clear enough to me.