The high fences are impassible, but the slanted and short fences are merely difficult terrain.
The orks have clear-cut the vegetation for a half-mile around their settlement to give any attackers no cover at all. A few hills and rocks are all that can be seen.
No buildings or towers may be embarked upon, but flat surfaces of rock are considered normal terrain, and only become difficult when units moves onto or off of them.

Chainsawz Ladz:
HQ - Mega-Warboss Chainsaw (Master of the WAAAGH!)
HQ - Big Mek (Shokk attack gun)
Elites - 12x Kommandoz (Nob with power claw, 2x Rokkit)
Elites - 13x Tank Bustaz
Troops - 10x Gretchin (Runtherd)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Heavy Support - 3x Lobba gunz (6x Extra crew, Runtherd, 3x Ammo runts)
Heavy Support - 8x Flash Gitz (Kaptain Krunktoof, Painboy, Cyborks, Blastas, Shootier)
"Youze iz a nasty bunch o' baby 'shroom killaz! NOOOOooooo!"
Dark Purifiers
HQ - Antonidus Aurelius (Chapter master, Master-crafted power sword)
HQ - Captain (Thunder hammer)
Elites - Dreadnought (Power fist, Multi-melta)
Elites - 10x Terminators (2x Cyclone missile launchers, 2x Chain-fists, Power fists)
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines (Flamer, Missile launcher)
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines (Melta, Heavy bolter)
Troops - 6x Sniper Scouts with Sgt. Immortus (Missile launcher)
Heavy Support - Land Raider Redeemer (Multi-metla)
"Ork truffles? Broiled in black butter? Never tried 'em, but they sound good!"

Chainsaw wins the initial die toss and the infiltrator roll-off. He selects the red corner.
This gives him the natural defensive locus for saving the ork settlement and all of the tender growing spores that lie within...
The Dark Purist has no problem assaulting such a pathetic-looking base and are already making bets amongst themselves for who can eat the most fried truffles.
Chainsaw's forces fill the entire area of his starting corner with a righteously indignant greenskin horde!
The Flash Gitz are placed closest to the enemy, in the hopes that their superior firepower can be brought to bear soon.
The Tank Bustaz hold a brief P.A. (Promethium Anonymous) meeting as they await for the arrival of the enemy forces. "Me is Frunt, 'nd me is promethium addict." "Hi-ya, Frunt." "Yah - so me likez a jigger of high-proof promethium in me mornin' fungus juice. It halps to wakez me up in da sunny-time..." Many of the P.A. members secretly hope to fall off the wagon during the battle today...
Mob1, led by Mega-Warboss Chainsaw are third in the line of battle - his cunning plan is to use the Flash Gitz and Tank Bustaz to draw the enemy fire away from himself so he can "come ta gripz wif 'em."
Mob2 is outside the fence, ready to rush to either the flank or directly towards the enemy at the first opportunity. The Big Gunz are placed well in the rear where they hope to be safe from enemy fire and pound anything that gets too close to the entrance of the settlement into meaty chunks. "A grot'z gotta' eat after all!"
The Kommandoz set up their hide near the top of a high, rock-faced cliff, where they can shoot or move to either flank in order to slow up or butcher enemies that stray within their reach.
The Dark Purifiers form up in their corner with sneers of contempt at the undisciplined and disorderly mobs of aliens before them. "Death is too good for them, brothers! Only genocide will please the Emperor!"
The Terminator squad being lead by the Chapter Master, await the signal to teleport onto the battlefield. When the Captain deems the proper place and time, they will join the fray in the thickest part of battle - just where they like it! While they await the signal, Antonidus Aurelius reviews the lessons on being a "Hammer of Righteousness" with the veterans. This review will allow the Terminators to re-roll poor wound dice.
Tactical Squad1 takes the most northern part of the battlefield.
Tactical Squad3, led by the Captain, surrounds the Land Raider tank, prepared to board and get chauffeured to their optimal combat location.
The Dreadnought stands between the two squads, ready for anything. But will he be ready for the horrors of war that await? "Nothing I haven't seen and done before."
The Snipers take up a position behind a low rocky upthrust in the southern edge of the board. They sight in on Mob2 with knowing grins. "It's a target-rich environment, sir!" "With orks, it always is, brother... Stay sharp!"
The carnage commences!

Mob2 moves in a very orderly fashion towards the snipers. The nob has drilled his ladz hard to stay in a formation that will minimize the effect of any fragmentation missiles. A big believer in "live fire learnin'", he has had to replace 80% of his original group of ladz, but those that survived training do a great job now.
The Kommandoz move to the southern part of the hill so as to fire a rokkit at the marines, but stay in the strategic sweet-spot as they do so.
The initial ork attack is focused with hatred:
- The Lobbaz shoot at the Snipers, but one of the Big Gunz is too far away to range in. The two that are manage to blow one of the Snipers up.
- The Big Mek fires his shokk attack gun into the mass of Tactical Squad3. A wailing spray of speeding snotlings emerge from the warp with lightning crackling from their limbs! Four of the mighty space marines fall before the bizarre onslaught.
- The Flash Gitz hope nothing bad will happen as they pull the triggers on their patched together and over-charged weapons. None of the containment fields fail (although one wavers alarmingly) and the bolts of sizzling radiation smoke three more of the men in Tactical Squad3.
- The Kommandoz rokkit spirals over the horizon in a exceptional display of the low-quality marksmanship held in common by the ork race.
The few combat-ready warriors in Tactical Squad3 pull their wounded and mangled battle-brothers into the Land Raider tank with them as they embark.
The tank moves forward at a stately, unhurried pace. The Dreadnought moves up to flank it.
Tactical Squad1 splits into two 5-man teams. The first squad stays where they started so the marine with the missile can fire. The others, who move to the north end of the hill that is held by the Kommandoz, prepare to take out the troublesome orks.
The marines attacks this turn are as follows:
- Tactical Squad1 rapid fires their bolters at the Kommandoz, but the "tuff 'nd nazty" orks shrug off the fire.
- Tactical Squad2 fires it's frag missile at Mob2, but it scatters badly and explodes harmlessly into the hillside.
- The Dreadnought shoots the Flash Gitz and one of the Gitz takes a wound from a stormbolter round exploding in his shoulder.
- The Land Raider tank fires the frightening twin-linked assault cannon at the Big Mek and his Gretchin "meat shield". Two of the grot are thrown into the path of the tracer fire by the runtherd in order to protect the VIO (Very Import'nt Ork). The wooden barricade actually saves one of the grot and it titters softly as it stares at the smoking hole that is left behind...
- The Land Raider's melta gun shoots at the Flash Gitz, but goes wide as it misses completely.
- The Snipers shoot into Mob2 to hopefully slow them up a bit, but their shooting is very poor and the discipline of the orks is very good. Only a single lad goes down.

The Kommandoz turn about and move towards the marines who have dared to climb their hill.
The "trip'l ripp'l" continues as the Flash Gitz move up the hill, followed by the Tank Bustaz who all have the shakes pretty bad - staring at the rumbling tank with huge, round eyes filled with wonder, lust, and hunger...
Mob1 follows the Tank Bustaz into the gap and enters the main field with the first of their ladz.
Mob2 run towards the Snipers with unearthly howls of bloodlust and streamers of foam oozing from their open maws. The Snipers are not moved - they see what is coming and calculate how they can do the most damage to the enemy before they are cut down. "All men die, brothers! But it is how one dies that endears him to the Emperor!"
Chainsaw demands blood and gets the following:
- The Tank Bustz shoot a massive volley of rokkits at the Land Raider. Half of them miss completely, those that strike only dirty the armor. Two glancing blows rattle the teeth of the crew, however and one rokkit jams the tread on the port side! The tank will be unable to move next turn while the crew clears the problem.
- The Lobbaz fire upon Tactical Squad2, but they are all just barely out of range.
- The Big Mek fires his fearsome shokk attack gun, but many of the snotlings scatter and he only manages to suck one of them into the warp. His aim is true, however and a marine in Tactical Squad2 finds that his lungs don't work very well when filled with hot, liquified snotling. He falls, twitching with a wet gurgle.
- The Kommandoz slam into Tactical Squad1 with their sluggaz blazing! A total of 4 of the marines fall, leaving one left to face the angry greenskins next turn.
"Activate teleport... Now!"
The Chapter Master, Antonidus Aurelius, has arrived with his fearsome group of Terminators! They appear smack in the middle of the clearing in front of the settlement, badly startling the orks (especially the gretchin who have a front-row seat)!
Tactical Squad2 moves north to try and stop the Kommandoz who are battling their lone member.
The Dreadnought can do the math and moves north as well, to slaughter any orks who escape the space marines. "They will need my expert help to conquer this foe!"
Space marine violence that is inherent in the system is shown:
- The Terminators open fire on the hapless orks of Mob2. Casualties are heavy as 10 ladz are put down. The Snipers cheer to see the huge force charging towards them reduced by a third.
- The Land Raider may not be able to move, but there is nothing wrong with it's weapon systems! The assault cannon blow away 2 of the Tank Bustaz and the melta vaporizes one of the Flash Gitz.
- The Snipers take careful aim and try to take out the Big Mek. The runtherd knows his business, however and tosses a stream of wailing grot into the air in front of his boss. "Jugglin' grot since me wuz a wee sprout! Me shoulda' joined cirkus, but dis iz jus' too much fun ta pass up! Har-har-har!" To the vast disappointment of the Snipers, all they do is blow huge holes in 5 of the gretchin - the Big Mek is unharmed and tosses a small tooth down to the runtherd as a tip. "Now dat iz inta'tan'mint!"
- The Dreadnought rotates to fire at the celebrator Big Mek, but his weapons are just barely out of range.
- The last marine of Tactical Squad1 gets cut in half by the Kommando nob's power claw.
- Tactical Squad2 rushes in to avenge their fallen brothers. But alas! Although they do kill 4 of the Kommandoz, all of them go down in a blaze of glory before the snarling fury of the greenskins.

Mob2 charges into the Snipers.
The Kommandoz are so inspired by the power of the WAAAGH that they charge up to the Dreadnought, even though most of them can't hope to damage it.
The Flash Gitz and Tank Bustaz move up onto the hillside to get out of Meag-Warboss Chainsaw's way.
And the huge armored ork barrels through the gap with his fearless and wild mob of ladz close behind!
They do the damage this turn as follows:
- Tank Bustaz fire their rokkits at the Land Raider, hoping to wreck it or at least keep it immobile. Their glancing blows are ineffective at both and some of them weep openly in shame.
- The Flash Gitz shoot at the Terminators, but their deffgunz capacitors aren't fully charged and the beam strength is too low to breach the amazingly strong armor that the marines in this company wear.
- The Lobbaz also pound the Terminators, with absolutely zero effect. Their armor is like an impenetrable barrier of dark-age technology and a zealot's unwavering faith! Can nothing stop these titans?
- "Oh yes, me kan do dat fer ya!" The Big Mek super-charges his mighty gun and sends a group of snotlings into the warp. They emerge right on target and what's more, their bodies have been changed into blobs of anti-matter! They impact with seven of the Terminators and detonate with the fury of very tiny, very personal super-novas!
- Mega-Warboss Chainsaw knows a sign from Mork when he sees one! He leads his ladz into close combat with the still-standing Terminators and he butchers all three of them, heedless of the wound he takes from the now alone Chapter Master in the process.
- Mob2 swarms the Snipers and the nob takes a wound from a knife in the ribs, but his ladz tear all of the snipers to pieces, draping each other with grisly trophies and hooting wildly all the while.
- The Kommando nob uses the only effective weapon he has against the Dreadnought as he cuts the stormbolter weapon in half with his power claw. His ladz dance around, trying to distract the mighty war machine, and one of them is turned into ork-puree for his troubles.
The Land Raider surges forward! As it stops, the Captain and the three combat-capable men of Tactical Squad3 exit from opposite side doors, each of them threatening one of the groups of specialist orks on the hill.
At this point every space marine unit will be in close-quarters combat except the tank!
The space marines slam into their foes with a holy zeal:
- The Land Raider tank unloads it's assault cannon at point-blank range into the hapless Tank Bustaz - three of them die with wistful looks on their faces to be so close, and yet so far away...
- Tactical Squad3 charges into the Tank Bustaz with boltguns afire! 3 orks die, but so do 2 of the marines, leaving just the veteran sergeant left of this once-proud unit.
- The captain swings his mighty thunder hammer, but the Flash Gitz painboy is "on da job" and he only pulps one of them. He takes a wound of his own during his onslaught.
- The battle between the Dreadnought and Kommandoz continues without either group making any headway.
- Antonidus Aurelius wields his ancient and powerful greatsword to the orks sorrow as three of them are hewn asunder! "Stop dat!" yells Mega-Warboss Chainsaw, "Douse iz my bestest ladz!" "I shall stop when all of your hearts have stopped their offensive beating!"

The orks are feeling confident and nigh-invulnerable themselves with the stunning defeat of the entire Terminator squad. Each barbaric soul feels that the tide of battle is drawing them to a glorious victory.
The unmitigated cruelty of the orks is on full display this turn:
- With a horrible whine, the Big Mek fires his fearsome weapon once again, this time in the hopes of putting an insane snotling inside the Land Raider where it can disable the crew without having to get past the 14-inch armor plate. He succeeds! Unfortunately, the snotling appears TOO far inside the tank - inside one of the prometium fuel tanks in fact. It is instantly vaporized. The crew are not amused: "That's not going to help our gas mileage, brothers..."
- The Flash Gitz assault the Captain. Before he can swing his terrifying thunder hammer again, they gitz pile it on and give him three more wounds. This brings him down!
- The Tank Bustaz aren't very good at fighting "such a small wee ting" as a marine, but they manage to kill the last marine of Tactical Squad3 anyway.
- Mob1 and Mega-Warboss Chainsaw use all their skill at just barely manage to drag the mighty war-leader to the ground. They lose another three ladz in the process, but are jubilant all the same!
- The Kommandoz can only reduce the combat effectiveness of the Dreadnought this turn - they are very disappointed to break the amazing kill streak of this turn's round of assaults. "Oh, we neva gonna' live dis one down..."
Disbelief wars with outrage that these xenos, with their barely functional weaponry and heretical notions could defeat their champions!
"Maybe it wasn't a good idea to threaten the orks spawn, after all..."
The marines attack:
- The Land Raider unleashes the flamestorm cannon into the midst of the tightly massed orks of Mob1. Nine of them die while writhing in the near-plasma intensity heat.
- The rest of the Land Raider's weapon crew opens up with everything they have into the Tank Bustaz, who are breaking out some very nasty-looking anti-tank, krak grenades. They remaining Tank Bustaz are all busted by the tank instead!
- The ongoing assault between the Dreadnought and the Kommandoz continues to slowly wear down both sides as two more orks die and another chunk of armor plate is carved off the robot in a glancing blow.

Mob2 runs at top speed towards the only two enemy units still combat capable.
Mega-Warboss Chainsaw leads his brave ladz right up next to the Land Raider tank, his immense power claw snapping open and shut in time to his bursts of evil laughter.
The orks continue their attacks as follows:
- Mob1 assaults the Land Raider, since it didn't move last round it is a stationary target and easy to hit. The nob and Mega-Warboss Chainsaw take great delight in tearing deep into it's innards, rolling 5 penetrating hits and 3 glancing blows. The tank explodes massively with several secondary detonations! Three ladz are killed by flying scraps of metal, but the orks are too caught up in their bloodlust to care!
- The Dreadnought and Kommandoz continue to duke it out, but neither side causes any damage to the other.
The last space marine unit of this ill-fated expedition grabs one ork Kommando in his power claw and squeezes the life out of him in frustration.
"All we wanted was some truffles, you greenskin maniacs!"
"Oh? Why you no ask fur dem? We haz lotz! Humma' beans iz so dum..."
At the end of turn 5 the random game-length roll comes up as a 1. This game is over!

A clinic on how NOT to play space marines!