The roads will grant extra movement for vehicles, but the metal and cermacrete flooring is too pitted to get the bonus everywhere.
Low walls and fences are considered difficult terrain, but high fences are impassable.
No buildings or towers can be embarked by models.

Chainsawz Ladz:
HQ - Mega-Warboss Chainsaw (Master of the WAAAGH!)
HQ - Big Mek (Shokk attack gun)
Elites - 15x Kommandoz (Nob with power claw, 2x Rokkit)
Elites - 7x TankBustaz (Nob with power claw, 1x Tank hammer)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Heavy Support - 3x Lobba gunz (6x Extra crew, Runtherd, 3x Ammo runts)
Heavy Support - 10x Flash Gitz (Kaptain Krunktoof, Painboy, Cyborks, Blastas, Shootier)
"Dis iz my 'hood! Chainsaw iz gonna rip yer bellies wide open 'nd feast on the da gooey bitz inside!"
Dark Purifiers
HQ - Antonidus Aurelius (Chapter master, Master-crafted power sword)
HQ - Captain (Thunder hammer)
Elites - Dreadnought (Power fist, Multi-melta)
Elites - 10x Terminators (2x Cyclone missile launchers, 2x Chain-fists, Power fists)
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines (Flamer, Missile launcher)
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines (Melta, Heavy bolter)
Troops - 6x Sniper Scouts with Sgt. Immortus (Missile launcher)
Heavy Support - Land Raider Redeemer (Multi-metla)
"Brothers, you know you're in the ghetto when orks are in the street."

Dark Purist wins the initial die toss. He selects the blue half of the table.
Chainsaw will defend his precious synth-meat production facility from the red side.
The space marine force is wary of any orkish booby traps.
Tactical squad 1 is lead by the chapter master, they are scoping the layout of the ork positions before their plan of embarking into the land raider.
Tactical squad 3 takes cover from a building, the lead marine scans the area, looking for a juicy target for his new wire-guided missile.
The captain and the terminator squad he leads form up in a wall of terrifying firepower and nigh-impenetrable power armor with pride clear on their faces.
The dreadnought stands behind them, eager to avenge to deaths of so many innocents from the brutal and never-ending campaign of conflict that Warboss Chainsaw has brought to the sector.
"Hoo-hum. Any mor ov dat synth-meat? No?! AARGH! Fine! Letz kill some 'umies dhen while it cooks!"
Chainsaw leads mob1 on the main road. His ladz are well-fed and ready for action!
The lobbaz have setup right behind the synth-meat plant.
Next to them is a small group of tank bustas who have heard that there might be some large machines that need 'splodin'.
Mob2 fills the gap between the rokkit-wielding orks and the flash gitz who are lead by Kaptain Krumptoof.
The kommandoz position themselves right around the corner from the snipers - it is obvious that they hope to bang the snipers around a bit at their earliest convenience.
It looks like they are ready to rumble... Have at it!

The chapter master uses his mastery of strategy to grant special abilities to some of the units he has led into battle. The terminators and tactical squad 3 both are schooled in 'the hammer of righteousness' which will allow them to re-roll poor wound dice. Tactical squad 1 hears and applies the 'shield of blades' sermon and gains the counter-attack special rule.
Satisfied that his pupils are applying the lessons he has taught, Antonidus Aurelius vows to teach the orks a lesson and calls down an orbital bombardment! Although his original target was the lobba gunz, the attack scatters south and lands in the middle of mob2. Six of the orks are pulped by the particle beams that come from orbit.
"No matter. All aliens must be purged. We will remain the eye of the storm, while the hurricane sweeps the foes of the Emperor from the land!"
Tactical squad 1 embarks into the land raider and the tank surges forward, positioning itself to hold the gap in the barricade.
Tactical squad 4 moves forward as does the line of terminators and the dreadnought.
Opening attacks this turn are:
- The land raider opens fire at the kommandoz and wipes out five of them.
- Tactical squad 3 fires the wire-guided missile. The marine at the controls deftly threads the streaking HEAT explosive in-between two snipers, past a dozen boys in mob2, through a gap in the chain link fence and impacts in the forehead of the big mek. His head explodes like a rotten watermelon! The rest of the squad gives the missile wire-pilot high-fives all around!
- The terminators and snipers open fire into the stunned ladz of mob2. They are not given a moment of respite from the brutal pounding they have already suffered! Frag missiles kill 13 of the boyz and 2 heads are popped via sniper rounds.
"Me fine, fat ladz!" wails Chainsaw. "Most of dem iz squished ofer dere! Make 'em pay fer it, boyz!"
The orks move forward, many of them shooting their primitive-looking weapons as they go.
Both mobs of boyz run forward (the tattered remnant of mob2 needs little encouragement to flee from the killing ground of the orbital strike!), and the gun crews remain in position.
The orks go hunting for human trophies:
- The tank busters launch rokkits at the dreadnought, but they run out of fuel just short of the target and create a series of new, jagged potholes in the road.
- The flash gitz open up at the terminators, but most of them are still out of range. The heavy armor of the space marines protects them from the few shots that manage to come close to them.
- The lobbaz shell tactical squad 4 and kill 3 of the marines.
- The kommandoz shoot the snipers, killing one of the brave marines. Seeing this, the orks charge forward and slam their stabby-bits into the lightly armored scouts. 4 of the snipers are cut down, while 3 more kommandoz pay for this with their own lives. Only Sergeant Immortus remains standing at the end of this turn.

The chapter master moves to the gap where the decisive battle looks to be fought, but takes a moment to give some attention to the aliens as he moves.
Tactical squad 3 links back up with the men who survived the shelling of squad 4.
Both the terminator squad and the dreadnought position themselves right at the waist-high guardrail that runs along the side-street.
Weapons of pure destruction are used as follows:
- Tactical squad 1 rapid fires into mob2 as the tank turns it's powerful melta on the hapless orks at the same time. A total of 3 boyz die, one of them is turned into a smoldering, disconnected torso from the tank's weapon. The dreadnought also shoots at the diminishing mob2, but the tough aliens resist it's firepower.
- As the land raider heaves into view of the tank bustas, the driver sees them point their weapons at his pristine and freshly washed-and-waxed tank. "Oh, no you don't!" he yells. The twin-linked assault cannon rips two of the rokkit-weilding boys to shreds.
- The chapter master uses his fearsome stormcannon at mob1 and rips 3 of them apart.
- The terminators unload their considerable firepower into the flash gitz. 4 of the orks die and another is wounded as krak missiles and explosive rounds detonate all around the upset aliens.
- The leader of the snipers fights against the kommandoz, but he is overwhelmed by their superior numbers and greater physical strength. He manages to take one of them with him as he goes down.
The tankbustas move to one edge of the communications area to make room for the charging horde of mob1 as Warboss Chainsaw screams at them, "Make a hole or me makez one right troh ya!"
The flash gitz move up to the fence in their area and get a green light from their git-findas as the range to the terminators is suddenly optimal for their whole group.
The violence continues unabated:
- The kommandoz and mob2 fire their sluggas at the disciplined men of tactical squad 1, but the spastic fire is totally without effect.
- The tank bustas shoot at the dreadnought, but the rokkits explode harmlessly on the thick armor plate of the war machine's shoulder. "Whal, datz disapoint'in..."
- The flash gits shoot back at the terminators, hoping to get a little bit of their own back. And they do. A very little bit: only 2 terminators go down.
- The lobbaz unload towards tactical squad 3 and 2 more marines are thrown around the street.
- The close-quarters combat between the kommandoz and tactical squad 1 is resolved first, because they are much closer to the space marines. The kommandoz manage to kill a space marine, but when 3 of their own number of dropped, they turn to flee. The space marine sergeant uses his chain sword to hamstring them as they turn and they all go down howling.
- Enraged at the treatment they have seen up-close, mob2 slams into tactical squad 1. 2 marines die, but the orks take more damage as 2 of their own dwindling numbers are slain as well as the nob taking a wound from the chattering chainsword.

The tank drives around the mass of snarling combat to gain the strategic center of the battlefield.
The dreadnought climbs over the guardrail to form up on the tank's flank.
The forces of the Emperor attack:
- The dreadnought assists with increasing the skills of one of the flash gitz: he will get to learn how to walk with only one leg (if he can crawl out of battle alive, of course).
- The terminator squad attacks the flash gitz as well, annoyed at the resilience of the well-equipped greenskins. 3 more of the orks go down screaming despite all the painboy can do to assist them. "Not much me can do fer a missin' skull! Save doos otdar bitz fer spare partz, ord'ly!"
- The land raider sends an extra helping of large-bore explosive rounds into the tank bustas, killing 3 more of them horribly. The two remaining survivors run for the hills. "Datz why we hatez tankz!"
- Tactical squad 3 shoots mob1, but only a single lad goes down.
- With the addition of Antonidus Aurelius, tactical squad 1 brutally assaults what was left of mob2 without losing another man. "And that is how it is done, brothers. See that group of filth? You will practice what you have seen me do on them next!"
He unleashes the power of the WAAAGH! as he leads his mean and green mob1 into close combat with tactical squad 1 and the insulting chapter master.
The ladz in mob1 and the space marines back up to make room for what will surely be an epic battle between the leaders of both forces.
Massive globs of foam stream from the roaring ork's open maw as he screams a battle challenge. The iron halo provides a force field effect that keeps the foaming spittle from disgracing the power armor's holy surface.
"Come at me," the chapter master states with a sneer, "Come to your doom!"
The result of greenskin depredations are as follows:
- The lobbaz fire at tactical squad 3 once again, but this time their aim is not so good. They do manage to kill one marine, but then their last shell veers unexpectedly right into the middle of the swarming melee to the south! 4 orks from mob1 and a marine from tactical squad 1 are blown to bits.
- The flash gitz are greatly reduced in number and this is quite clear from the weak energy fire they direct at the terminators. None of the terminators are harmed.
- The tank bustas take a moment from their headlong rush to escape the battle to shoot their last rokkits at the dreadnought. They are hopelessly out of range, but feel better about themselves.
- Mob1 shoots at the marines as they close with them. The assault is a mess: 6 space marines die and the chapter master is grievously wounded three times. Warboss Chainsaw hoots with delight as only one more lad dies and he takes a wound himself. "Jus' a scratch! Me like scarz anyway!"

All other space marine forces charge into the swirling slug-fest that surrounds both their chapter master and the vile warboss.
Attacks this turn:
- The tank uses one of the flamestorm cannons to turn a flash gitz into a crispy cinder.
- Tactical squad 3 and the chapter master assault mob1. 2 orks die, but the a space marine in the squad goes down as well, leaving just the badly wounded chapter master alone with just the sergeant for company.
- But not for long! The line of terminators is lead by their captain into battle! They focus all of their attacks on the warboss and barely manage to stop him. The final blow is from the captain's thunder hammer as it connects with one of the last bones in Warboss Chainsaw's body not augmented by cybork bitz: his pelvis. It is turned into calcium shards and he goes down howling! The warboss decapitates 3 of the mighty terminators before he can be brought down.
- The dreadnought then moves into attempt to finish the ladz of mob1. The nob of the group is still quite active and swings his mighty power claw at this new attacker. One ork is crushed to death, but the nob manages to land a glancing blow that slows the dreadnought's attack somewhat.
The flash gitz and the lobba crew both decide that discretion may be the better part of valor as well. Both groups pack up what little gear they can carry and run as fast as they can away from
their attackers.
Mob1 is locked in grim combat with three units of foes and do nothing but chop, stab, and bite.
Combat results:
- Mob1 focuses on taking out the terminators who distracted and weakened their fearless leader. 3 more terminators are brought to a halt at a loss of 6 ladz.

The land raider tank crew is amused that the flash gitz seem to think they can outrun the heavy treads and powerful engine of their mobile altar to war. They move to get a better line of sight and open fire once more on the confused aliens to instruct them in the error of their ways.
The grueling combat continues:
- The tank kills the last flash gitz, leaving only Kaptain Krumktoof and his trusty painboy alive.
- The dreadnought stomps another lad from the shrinking numbers of mob1.
- The terminators also reach into mob1, killing 4 ladz themselves before the final 2 terminators are killed themselves. The captain is all that remains of this group.
- Tactical squad 1 is reduced to nothing but the chapter master as the sergeant is slain and 2 more orks die. The madness of this combat will continue as the orks fight with a frenzy to protect their fallen leader!
Kaptain Krunktoof and his painboy are less than thrilled with the tank shadowing them and hurriedly seek shelter in the crates to the south.
The ork's desperate gambit is completed The results:
- Knowing that they have a very slight chance to at least bring this battle to a draw, the 7 orks left alive of mob1 attack the captain, hoping to at least wound him once. The captain pulverizes 3 of the orks for their insolence, but he is wounded nonetheless by the nob's rusty power claw.
The random game-length roll ends the game! It's all over!

The new Warboss Chainsaw is TERRIFYING