Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mek Lab - Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun

He's hard at work, trying to appease the insatiable appetite of Warboss Chainsaw - the hunger for more units to use in his WAAAGH!

Without further ado, let's turn the time over to Mek Gearsnik:

"The las' Big Mek dat borrowed me lab didna tighten' the kno'wots on hiz shokk attack gun.  Wood 'e listen to ol' Gearsnik?  Nah!  So he gotz hizself blowd up, o' courz.  Da dum sod!  Dis made Chainsaw mad 'nd we can't have dat.  Taday we're gonna build a proppa shokk attack gun and I suppoze we'll need to make a cybork Big Mek ta carry it 'round az well - I heard dat de last fella ate a hot rokkit fer breckfast.  Whal, dat iz no way ta live...  Get it?  Har-har-har!"

Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun

See the amazing transformation of a few ork model bitz, some random junkyard scrap, and a whole lotta' crazy inventiveness into something alien and rude.  One of the most feared weapons that the ork horde can bring to bear: A Shokk Attack Gun wielding Big Mek!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

AAR: October 20, 2012 - Ghetto Blasta

Storm Herald Chapter Master Antonidus Aurelius arrives in-system with good news: he has located the hideout of Warboss Chainsaw himself!  Apparently, the ork leader has taken over part of a hive-city slum and is living it up, eating synth-meat as fast as the nearby automated food-manufactorium can crank it out.  The space marines will attack this ghetto, hoping to destroy the gluttonous greenskins.  Will they succeed?  Or will the orks show them why they should stick to their own neighborhood?

Annihilation match with long edges.

5x6 table.  The orks have really trashed this section of the hive.  It is covered in filth and minor wreckage.

The roads will grant extra movement for vehicles, but the metal and cermacrete flooring is too pitted to get the bonus everywhere.

Low walls and fences are considered difficult terrain, but high fences are impassable.

No buildings or towers can be embarked by models.

Orks versus Space Marines with 1800 point limit.

Chainsawz Ladz: 
HQ - Mega-Warboss Chainsaw (Master of the WAAAGH!)
HQ - Big Mek (Shokk attack gun) 
Elites - 15x Kommandoz (Nob with power claw, 2x Rokkit)
Elites - 7x TankBustaz (Nob with power claw, 1x Tank hammer)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Heavy Support - 3x Lobba gunz (6x Extra crew, Runtherd, 3x Ammo runts)
Heavy Support - 10x Flash Gitz (Kaptain Krunktoof, Painboy, Cyborks, Blastas, Shootier)

"Dis iz my 'hood!  Chainsaw iz gonna rip yer bellies wide open 'nd feast on the da gooey bitz inside!"

Dark Purifiers
HQ - Antonidus Aurelius (Chapter master, Master-crafted power sword)
HQ - Captain (Thunder hammer)
Elites - Dreadnought (Power fist, Multi-melta)
Elites - 10x Terminators (2x Cyclone missile launchers, 2x Chain-fists, Power fists)
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines (Flamer, Missile launcher)
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines (Melta, Heavy bolter)
Troops - 6x Sniper Scouts with Sgt. Immortus (Missile launcher)
Heavy Support - Land Raider Redeemer (Multi-metla)

"Brothers, you know you're in the ghetto when orks are in the street."

Dark Purist wins the initial die toss.  He selects the blue half of the table.

Chainsaw will defend his precious synth-meat production facility from the red side.

The space marine force is wary of any orkish booby traps.

Tactical squad 1 is lead by the chapter master, they are scoping the layout of the ork positions before their plan of embarking into the land raider.

Tactical squad 3 takes cover from a building, the lead marine scans the area, looking for a juicy target for his new wire-guided missile.

The captain and the terminator squad he leads form up in a wall of terrifying firepower and nigh-impenetrable power armor with pride clear on their faces.

The dreadnought stands behind them, eager to avenge to deaths of so many innocents from the brutal and never-ending campaign of conflict that Warboss Chainsaw has brought to the sector.

"Hoo-hum.  Any mor ov dat synth-meat?  No?!  AARGH!  Fine!  Letz kill some 'umies dhen while it cooks!"

Chainsaw leads mob1 on the main road.  His ladz are well-fed and ready for action!

The lobbaz have setup right behind the synth-meat plant.

Next to them is a small group of tank bustas who have heard that there might be some large machines that need 'splodin'.

Mob2 fills the gap between the rokkit-wielding orks and the flash gitz who are lead by Kaptain Krumptoof. 

The kommandoz position themselves right around the corner from the snipers - it is obvious that they hope to bang the snipers around a bit at their earliest convenience.

 It looks like they are ready to rumble...  Have at it!

The chapter master uses his mastery of strategy to grant special abilities to some of the units he has led into battle.  The terminators and tactical squad 3 both are schooled in 'the hammer of righteousness' which will allow them to re-roll poor wound dice.  Tactical squad 1 hears and applies the 'shield of blades' sermon and gains the counter-attack special rule.

Satisfied that his pupils are applying the lessons he has taught, Antonidus Aurelius vows to teach the orks a lesson and calls down an orbital bombardment!  Although his original target was the lobba gunz, the attack scatters south and lands in the middle of mob2.  Six of the orks are pulped by the particle beams that come from orbit.

"No matter.  All aliens must be purged.  We will remain the eye of the storm, while the hurricane sweeps the foes of the Emperor from the land!"

Tactical squad 1 embarks into the land raider and the tank surges forward, positioning itself to hold the gap in the barricade.

Tactical squad 4 moves forward as does the line of terminators and the dreadnought.

Opening attacks this turn are:
  • The land raider opens fire at the kommandoz and wipes out five of them.
  • Tactical squad 3 fires the wire-guided missile.  The marine at the controls deftly threads the streaking HEAT explosive in-between two snipers, past a dozen boys in mob2, through a gap in the chain link fence and impacts in the forehead of the big mek.  His head explodes like a rotten watermelon!  The rest of the squad gives the missile wire-pilot high-fives all around!
  • The terminators and snipers open fire into the stunned ladz of mob2.  They are not given a moment of respite from the brutal pounding they have already suffered!  Frag missiles kill 13 of the boyz and 2 heads are popped via sniper rounds.

"Me fine, fat ladz!" wails Chainsaw.  "Most of dem iz squished ofer dere!  Make 'em pay fer it, boyz!"

The orks move forward, many of them shooting their primitive-looking weapons as they go.

Both mobs of boyz run forward (the tattered remnant of mob2 needs little encouragement to flee from the killing ground of the orbital strike!), and the gun crews remain in position.

The orks go hunting for human trophies:
  • The tank busters launch rokkits at the dreadnought, but they run out of fuel just short of the target and create a series of new, jagged potholes in the road.
  • The flash gitz open up at the terminators, but most of them are still out of range.  The heavy armor of the space marines protects them from the few shots that manage to come close to them.
  • The lobbaz shell tactical squad 4 and kill 3 of the marines.
  • The kommandoz shoot the snipers, killing one of the brave marines.  Seeing this, the orks charge forward and slam their stabby-bits into the lightly armored scouts.  4 of the snipers are cut down, while 3 more kommandoz pay for this with their own lives.  Only Sergeant Immortus remains standing at the end of this turn.

The land raider speeds along the side-street and opens the main hatch once it stops moving.  Tactical squad 1 disembarks and forms up on the street...

The chapter master moves to the gap where the decisive battle looks to be fought, but takes a moment to give some attention to the aliens as he moves.

Tactical squad 3 links back up with the men who survived the shelling of squad 4.

Both the terminator squad and the dreadnought position themselves right at the waist-high guardrail that runs along the side-street.

Weapons of pure destruction are used as follows:
  • Tactical squad 1 rapid fires into mob2 as the tank turns it's powerful melta on the hapless orks at the same time.  A total of 3 boyz die, one of them is turned into a smoldering, disconnected torso from the tank's weapon.  The dreadnought also shoots at the diminishing mob2, but the tough aliens resist it's firepower.
  • As the land raider heaves into view of the tank bustas, the driver sees them point their weapons at his pristine and freshly washed-and-waxed tank.  "Oh, no you don't!" he yells.  The twin-linked assault cannon rips two of the rokkit-weilding boys to shreds.
  • The chapter master uses his fearsome stormcannon at mob1 and rips 3 of them apart.
  • The terminators unload their considerable firepower into the flash gitz.  4 of the orks die and another is wounded as krak missiles and explosive rounds detonate all around the upset aliens.
  • The leader of the snipers fights against the kommandoz, but he is overwhelmed by their superior numbers and greater physical strength.  He manages to take one of them with him as he goes down.
Mob2 joins the kommadoz in their rush towards tactical squad 1.

The tankbustas move to one edge of the communications area to make room for the charging horde of mob1 as Warboss Chainsaw screams at them, "Make a hole or me makez one right troh ya!"

The flash gitz move up to the fence in their area and get a green light from their git-findas as the range to the terminators is suddenly optimal for their whole group.
The violence continues unabated:
  • The kommandoz and mob2 fire their sluggas at the disciplined men of tactical squad 1, but the spastic fire is totally without effect.
  • The tank bustas shoot at the dreadnought, but the rokkits explode harmlessly on the thick armor plate of the war machine's shoulder.  "Whal, datz disapoint'in..."
  • The flash gits shoot back at the terminators, hoping to get a little bit of their own back.  And they do.  A very little bit: only 2 terminators go down.
  • The lobbaz unload towards tactical squad 3 and 2 more marines are thrown around the street.
  • The close-quarters combat between the kommandoz and tactical squad 1 is resolved first, because they are much closer to the space marines.  The kommandoz manage to kill a space marine, but when 3 of their own number of dropped, they turn to flee.  The space marine sergeant uses his chain sword to hamstring them as they turn and they all go down howling.
  • Enraged at the treatment they have seen up-close, mob2 slams into tactical squad 1.  2 marines die, but the orks take more damage as 2 of their own dwindling numbers are slain as well as the nob taking a wound from the chattering chainsword.

The chapter master forms up with the struggling men in tactical squad 1, dancing his way into the thick of the fray without fear.

The tank drives around the mass of snarling combat to gain the strategic center of the battlefield.

The dreadnought climbs over the guardrail to form up on the tank's flank.

The forces of the Emperor attack:
  • The dreadnought assists with increasing the skills of one of the flash gitz: he will get to learn how to walk with only one leg (if he can crawl out of battle alive, of course).
  • The terminator squad attacks the flash gitz as well, annoyed at the resilience of the well-equipped greenskins.  3 more of the orks go down screaming despite all the painboy can do to assist them.  "Not much me can do fer a missin' skull!  Save doos otdar bitz fer spare partz, ord'ly!"
  • The land raider sends an extra helping of large-bore explosive rounds into the tank bustas, killing 3 more of them horribly.  The two remaining survivors run for the hills.  "Datz why we hatez tankz!"
  • Tactical squad 3 shoots mob1, but only a single lad goes down.
  • With the addition of Antonidus Aurelius, tactical squad 1 brutally assaults what was left of mob2 without losing another man.  "And that is how it is done, brothers.  See that group of filth?  You will practice what you have seen me do on them next!"
"Who youse callin' filth?  Huh?  Me take bath last monf!" bellows Warboss Chainsaw.

He unleashes the power of the WAAAGH! as he leads his mean and green mob1 into close combat with tactical squad 1 and the insulting chapter master.

The ladz in mob1 and the space marines back up to make room for what will surely be an epic battle between the leaders of both forces.

Massive globs of foam stream from the roaring ork's open maw as he screams a battle challenge.  The iron halo provides a force field effect that keeps the foaming spittle from disgracing the power armor's holy surface.

"Come at me," the chapter master states with a sneer, "Come to your doom!"
The result of greenskin depredations are as follows:
  • The lobbaz fire at tactical squad 3 once again, but this time their aim is not so good.  They do manage to kill one marine, but then their last shell veers unexpectedly right into the middle of the swarming melee to the south!  4 orks from mob1 and a marine from tactical squad 1 are blown to bits.
  • The flash gitz are greatly reduced in number and this is quite clear from the weak energy fire they direct at the terminators.  None of the terminators are harmed.
  • The tank bustas take a moment from their headlong rush to escape the battle to shoot their last rokkits at the dreadnought.  They are hopelessly out of range, but feel better about themselves.
  • Mob1 shoots at the marines as they close with them.  The assault is a mess: 6 space marines die and the chapter master is grievously wounded three times.  Warboss Chainsaw hoots with delight as only one more lad dies and he takes a wound himself.  "Jus' a scratch!  Me like scarz anyway!"

The land raider moves forward to flank the flash gitz who are too stubborn to die quickly.

All other space marine forces charge into the swirling slug-fest that surrounds both their chapter master and the vile warboss.

Attacks this turn:
  • The tank uses one of the flamestorm cannons to turn a flash gitz into a crispy cinder.
  • Tactical squad 3 and the chapter master assault mob1.  2 orks die, but the a space marine in the squad goes down as well, leaving just the badly wounded chapter master alone with just the sergeant for company.
  • But not for long!  The line of terminators is lead by their captain into battle!  They focus all of their attacks on the warboss and barely manage to stop him.  The final blow is from the captain's thunder hammer as it connects with one of the last bones in Warboss Chainsaw's body not augmented by cybork bitz: his pelvis.  It is turned into calcium shards and he goes down howling!  The warboss decapitates 3 of the mighty terminators before he can be brought down.
  • The dreadnought then moves into attempt to finish the ladz of mob1.  The nob of the group is still quite active and swings his mighty power claw at this new attacker.  One ork is crushed to death, but the nob manages to land a glancing blow that slows the dreadnought's attack somewhat.
The tank bustas duck their heads and put on a burst of speed as they hear the groan go up that Chainsaw has hit the dirt.  They escape the field.

The flash gitz and the lobba crew both decide that discretion may be the better part of valor as well.  Both groups pack up what little gear they can carry and run as fast as they can away from
their attackers.

Mob1 is locked in grim combat with three units of foes and do nothing but chop, stab, and bite.
Combat results:
  • Mob1 focuses on taking out the terminators who distracted and weakened their fearless leader.  3 more terminators are brought to a halt at a loss of 6 ladz.

The land raider tank crew is amused that the flash gitz seem to think they can outrun the heavy treads and powerful engine of their mobile altar to war.  They move to get a better line of sight and open fire once more on the confused aliens to instruct them in the error of their ways.

The grueling combat continues:
  • The tank kills the last flash gitz, leaving only Kaptain Krumktoof and his trusty painboy alive.
  • The dreadnought stomps another lad from the shrinking numbers of mob1.
  • The terminators also reach into mob1, killing 4 ladz themselves before the final 2 terminators are killed themselves.  The captain is all that remains of this group.
  • Tactical squad 1 is reduced to nothing but the chapter master as the sergeant is slain and 2 more orks die.  The madness of this combat will continue as the orks fight with a frenzy to protect their fallen leader!
The lobbaz crew are jubilant as they look over their shoulder and see no one is following them.  They may actually survive this battle without taking a single loss!

Kaptain Krunktoof and his painboy are less than thrilled with the tank shadowing them and hurriedly seek shelter in the crates to the south.

The ork's desperate gambit is completed  The results:
  • Knowing that they have a very slight chance to at least bring this battle to a draw, the 7 orks left alive of mob1 attack the captain, hoping to at least wound him once.  The captain pulverizes 3 of the orks for their insolence, but he is wounded nonetheless by the nob's rusty power claw.

The random game-length roll ends the game!  It's all over!

Dark Purist Wins!  The final tally of points: Dark Purist with 584 (32%) and Chainsaw with 371 (21%).  Chainsaw managed to come within 1% of a draw, but he failed to pull it off!  A well-played match that was interesting and challenging for all.

"Do ork corpses decrease or improve property values in this hive?"

"We not don wif youse!  Az soon az Chainsaw grooz a new hip bone, we be back, 'umies!"

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Crossover - Chapter 11

Shaddar returns to the tavern feeling quite satisfied with himself.  If his thralls and human pawns have done as he asked, many wheels have now been set into motion.  Surely one or more of them will work to his advantage soon.  He chuckles aloud as he thinks of the latest bit of slander he accomplished.

He claimed to be one of the Lords of the city before he left the brothel.  The mixture of shock and veneration he was then shown was fascinating to behold.  The madam tripped all over herself in vacillating between horror that one of the Lords of the city would utilize at her establishment and an innate respect that bordered on worship to be in his presence.  He told the facility to send him a bill for his distasteful and shocking requests at the city center.  More antagonism and slander for those who run this city! 

A couple of men stumble out of the meadhall as it comes into sight.  Their hair is standing on end and their clothes are smoking slightly.  It looks like they have been electrocuted – perhaps by Loolipo’s electrified pincher staff?  How comical they look!

Shaddar laughs softly to himself as he enters the Jester and Hawk Meadhall.  He picks up on the barkeeps thoughts as he shuts the door, “Curse these new friends of Jorin and Bort!  They are driving away all my regular patrons!  On purpose!”

Loolipo is indeed already there, twirling her pincher staff with a smirk on her face.  She reports at once.  Her slanders were so vile that when she told people what she would say they refused to hire her.  Eventually she found some customers who didn’t want to know what she would say and she so enraged her victims that one drew his sword at her and she had to disarm him.  Everyone who heard her repeat her vile stories were shocked and many tried to get her to stop talking.  In every case she told the shocked hearers what guild she worked for and who had employed her.  She did not earn very much money.

“What did you say to so enrage them?” Shaddar questions.

“I spoke of how the target has a nasty rotting-flesh disease and that they were an incurable carrier of it.  I would then describe what their skin looked like and say that I only discovered this because the fellow tried to take advantage of me in a dark alley with his clothes removed.  I would say: ‘I barely escaped with my chastity intact!’ and the peoples would go all quiet and open-mouthy.  It was funny, master.”

The door slams open and Cutt enters the tavern with a huge smile on his face.  He looks like he has had the most wonderful day. 

“Low hanging fruit!  Low hanging fruit – everywhere!  Ha-ha-ha!  It was joyous!”  He dumps a large purse filled with coins onto the table as he continues, “A very tidy haul!  I worked quickly and insulted the big folk into stunned disbelief.  Ha!” 

Shaddar is pleased, but would know more details.  “And were their reactions indicative of a weak tolerance for insults in general?”

“I almost felt guilty it was so easy.  I would insult grown men and they would start crying like little girls.  Many of my victims actually fainted!  But here is the best part: When I reported back to those who sent me to insult their enemies they were horrified at my report to them and every last mother’s son instantly rushed off to apologize!  Such foolishness!” 

Shaddar is quite pleased.  The disorder that his thrall’s actions will certainly cause is clear from the stunned reactions they are reporting.  They hear the clomp of the hooves of a huge and heavy beast and all of them turn to the still-open door.

Toothsnatcher enters the meadhall looking like he has been attacked by the contents of a clothing shop.  His back is loaded with rude sacks made from knotted shirts and trousers, bulging with swag.  The minotaur kicks the door shut with one foot and then rolls the massive collection off his shoulders and it bangs loudly on the floor. 

“Good pickin’s!” he says with a cruel voice.

The minotaur gleefully tells stories of how his afternoon went as they open the sacks and begin to sort the loot.   He uses a falsetto tone of voice to mimic the words of some of his victims and pauses often to snort with bovine laughter.

“There was really only three kinds of marks.  First you had: ’Oh, no thank you.  I don’t want a mugging…’  POW!”  The minotaur smacks his huge fist into the other hand with a meaty sound, “Then there was: ‘Alright, here’s your coin, villain, now be on your way.  What?  No, you can’t have the rest of them!’   POW!” again the fist strikes, “But mostly it was like this: ‘Take it all!  Please don’t hurt me!  Oh, no!’ POW!” 

He chortles with pleasure at the fun he has had crunching humans.  Every victim (that was still conscious) got told that it was the Swashbuckling Rogues who had relieved them of their possessions and ended their pain-free day.  All of the loot is sorted and piled onto the tables of the meadhall as he tells his tales, covering them almost completely with items, clothing, wigs, jewels, and piles and piles of coins.

Coinage is very strange here.  Shaddar has never seen anything like it.  The coins are hexagon in shape and of different sizes depending on the value of the metal the coin is cast from.  He has seen coins from many of the surface lands, but he must be far from home indeed to have never seen any like these before.

The barkeep is horrified at these stories and the proof of them in his thoughts, but says nothing.  “I’ve never heard such horrors!  Worse than the Guild of Villains ever was!  I can’t believe it!  Can’t show any fear at all, though.  I learned that much living with villains before.  I only have to wait: the Heroes will soon hear of this and sort their hash out.  A Guild of Rogues indeed…”

Last to arrive is Jorin and Bort.  The thralls stop sharing their tales once they arrive on the immediate mental orders of Shaddar.

“We had such a successful day!  Look at all the gold we go-“  Jorin stops mid-sentence as he stares at the mounds of riches in the inn with a small purse sitting in one palm.

“Oh, my word!”

Shaddar sweeps a hand at the haul, “Four percent!”  Jorin and Bort’s eyes light up with greed.

The barkeep shouts out, “Good!  Rent’s due!”

Shaddar turns to Hawke.  “Yes.  I needed to speak to you about that.  You’ll be renting the entire building to me for at least the next month.”

“But I can’t do that.  I have several other paying guests.  The whole second floor is leased out, in fact.”

“You will evict them, of course.”

“Humph.  That’s a two-month process.”

Shaddar snaps his fingers and gestures with his tentacles to Toothsnatcher.  “No, that’s a two-minute process.”  The beast lumbers up the stairs and follows the orders Shaddar has given him at once.

The barkeep pales as the sounds of the minotaur’s work is clearly heard through the floor.  “Get your things and get out!”  “No, I don’t think so.”  POW!  “Aaiiee!  I’m going!  I’m going!”  ROAR!!!  “Mist demons!  What is it?  Oh, no!”  “Find a new place to live!  It’s movin’ day!”  There is crying, wailing, and running about.  In a stunningly short span of time rumpled-looking and weeping guests are rushing down the stairs, their arms filled with what belongings the minotaur allowed them to snatch up.  One of them has a nasty black eye that is swollen shut already.  The barkeep is very frightened, but has no idea how to respond.  Jorin and Bort are shocked as well, but don’t want to get involved in this.

The last tenant can be heard barricading his room.  “I’ll never leave!  You can’t make me go!”  The sound of a door being ripped off its hinges is the inevitable result.  This is followed by what sounds like the tenant being dragged, kicking against the floorboards and screaming across the room.  Everyone’s eyes except for Shaddar’s stare at the ceiling and follow the sounds towards the front of the building. 

There is a dramatic pause of three seconds time when no sounds are heard at all, except for Bort swallowing nervously.

With a horrific crash the poor man is thrown right through the upstairs window!  He lands heavily in the street, glass and the window frame fragments falling around him like rain.  Moaning softly, he slowly crawls away from the meadhall as the minotaur throws some of his belongings out of the window on top of him.

A few moments later, Toothsnatcher comes stomping back downstairs, cracking his neck to one side with a grunt.  It snorts happily and sits back down.

“You see?” Shaddar says in a kind tone, “A little friendly encouragement can solve so many problems!”

“That damage is coming out of your deposit,” grumbles the barkeep weakly.

“That will be fine.”  A pile of coins is pushed towards the man without counting or bothering to ask what the rate will be.  The barkeep is more than a bit cowed by the violence and the casual manner Shaddar treats such a sum of gold.

“Well, what about references?  What kind of people am I renting to?  More like Jorin and Bort and you lot?”

“No, they aren’t.  And you will not need references.  They are my guests and that is all the reference that they will require.  You will be civil to them.”



The minotaur stands up so suddenly that his chair flies back and hits the wall.  His neck muscles are taut and straining, a low growl is reverberating in his throat, and both fists are clenched.

“Oh,” Hawke says feebly.

“Any further questions?”

“No, sir.”

“A wise answer.” 

The minotaur sits back down in another chair, somewhat disappointed. 

Shaddar turns to Jorin and Bort.  “Report!”  The two men jump a bit at this and tell about their activities as fast as they are able. 

“Yes, Boss!”

“Right away, sir!  We told everyone that we knew and they could hardly believe it –”

“But when we showed them the blood –“

“Yeah, the blood,” Bort nods with a smile.

Jorin smiles as well as he continues, “Yeah, that was very convincing.  Our descriptions of the scene of horror practically turned their hair white!  The news will spread like wildfire about the shocking behavior of the Guild of Villains and our new Guild that will soon replace them.”

“Yes, the Swashbuckling Rogues will soon be in charge of the slums, we said,” Bort adds.

“The Swashbuckling Rogues will return the city to its even keel and return to the old ways, we told them.  Folks were really excited,” Jorin finishes with a gasp.  Both men look at Shaddar hopefully, a bit nervous that he will not be pleased with their report.  Their fear is powerful, but Shaddar decides to use the carrot to cement their proper behavior.  This time.

“You have done well.  Four and a half of percent.” 

Hooray!  The men celebrate their windfall with each other and begin looking over the loot.  It is clear from their thoughts that they never dreamed that their place in the New Guild would be so lucrative.

“Hawke!  Give us a bottle of the ‘good stuff’!”

“Pay yer tab and I will.”  This takes but a moment, and then the wine begins to flow!

“How did you get all this?” Bort asks Shaddar, counting coins and sorting jewels.

“If you must know, my minions performed daring acts of Swashbuckling Roguery as I instructed them to.”

“Wow!  Do you think you could teach us how to do that someday, Boss?”

“Stay in my good graces and all things are possible…”

Chapter 1               < Chapter 10              Chapter 12 >

Crossover - Chapter 10

As Shaddar walks through the alleys of the border zone he contemplates the glimpse he had of the streets earlier.  The architecture and even stone color were quite different from the border zone.  It was white stone, with many fine bas relief carvings set into the walls that he saw there.  Nothing like the plain, drab, brown stonework of the border zones.  No ornamentation has been done here, and hardly anything resembling landmarks either. 

“Will the slums also be designed to a different visual style of their own?” he wonders.

His postulating is intruded upon by reality as he turns a corner and walks to the edge of what can only be the slums.

The area before him is built on a massive scale.  The streets are at least 30-feet wide, making the roads more like a continuous marketplace with clusters of buildings evenly spaced throughout it.  The buildings do indeed have a different style than the other areas of Big City that Shaddar has seen thus far.  It is quite gothic, with spires, spikes, and leering gargoyles on the top of every roof.  Iron lampposts run along both sides of the road with a wire basket at the top of each one in the shape of a dragon.  He can see that there is a magical flame burning inside each of these wire dragons to light the area.  The lamps create flickering and nefarious-looking shadows on the sides of the buildings.  The stonework is a gray color for the most part, but some buildings are built using even darker stone.  Shaddar notes with amazement that the more ‘wicked’ shops are located in these darker colored buildings.

“Do these people really need such a stark indicator to know that they have arrived at the wrong part of town?  Are such blatant visual cues needed by humans?”  Shaddar thinks that all of the books he has read about humans must be incorrect – they are much lower in intellect as a race than he believed possible.

The buildings are either low and dark-looking or tall and looming, with many different styles that all seem to harmonize with each other into a common theme.  Shaddar does not think that this finely crafted, clean, and well-ordered area deserves to be called a slum.  Perhaps this is just a title for the area?

The slums are bustling with activity and populace – quite unlike the almost deserted border zones.  There are many people who are dressed in the gaudy finery of those who live in the streets that Shaddar saw earlier.  They seem out-of-place here, their bright colors and fine jewels are garish and glaring.  Those who live in the slums are equally obvious: dull earth-tone colors, leather pants, squinty eyes, and radical hairstyles.  But there are also people dressed completely in black clothes, with capes held in one hand to cover their faces, walking with a hunched over posture, their eyes darting back and forth furtively.  “They must be members of the Guild,” Shaddar thinks dryly, “because they look like villains.  This place is unbelievable!” 

All of the store fronts that face the border zone are shops that cater directly to visitors from the streets.  There are several pubs of various levels of quality and roughness, if their names and outer appearance is to be an indicator and Shaddar has quickly come to the conclusion that they must be.  There is a dancing hall with uproarious music.  An open-air jail where visitors are throwing rotten fruit at the criminals in their squalid cells.  As Shaddar watches, one of the ‘criminals’ opens the cell and goes inside a pub, setting out a sign that reads, “On break, be back in a flash!” 

On every corner there is some kind of activity.  A mugging service that looks like the one Jorin and Bort were running.  Street performers of a vulgar nature (madman juggling severed heads and flaming skulls – quite clearly an illusion, since his hands don’t seem to sync up with the movement of the heads).  A freak show with a troll in a wicker cage out front.  The monster looks nothing like a real troll – it looks like an illusion made by someone who has heard of trolls, but has never seen one.  It looks softer and weaker with rounded teeth and claws and a docile look on its face.  It growls very unconvincingly at passers by. 

Shaddar steps into the throng and samples the thoughts of those around him. 

 “Is that thing a villain?” 

 “Whoever thought that would be a good show needs his head examined.” 

 “Not a bad day’s work.  3 gold and 27 silver.”

 “This part of town needs to be burned down.  It’s terrible what they do here!”

“Shocking!  This is shocking!  Ooo!  What’s that over there?  Horrors!”

“That’s right you street-fool…  Gamble your gold right into my purse.”


 “Who is under that disguise, I wonder?  Feenil, perhaps?” 

 “Disturbing indeed, what men will do for coin.”

Amusing.  Shaddar’s tentacles writhe with interest at the utter naivete of these people.  Many of the folks from the streets are here for the express purpose of acting shocked and indignant at the openly evil ways of the slums and its denizens.  The locals on the other hand are just putting on a show and profiting thereby.

“This town… It is just odd.  Why do these people act in this manner?  How is it that such things can retain their power to shock the citizens over time?  And if there are truly corrupt folk in the Guild of Villains, why do they not take advantage of the simpletons who live in the streets?”

He begins to walk down the road with the throngs of people.  Although there are many travelers, they do not congest the street due to the wideness of the road.  He takes in more sights, looking for patterns.  He is hoping to find one pattern in particular.

There are some sinister-looking fellows with scars and missing teeth who are hawking a fisticuffs match.  They promise that the match will be bloody and violent to the horror of those visiting from the streets. Others try to direct people to shops were stolen goods can be purchased for cheap – the best fences in town!  Restaurants have signs proclaiming that they specialize in ‘illegal dishes’ and ‘pure gluttony’.  Men and women lurk in alcoves with blue caps, whispering that should any want to sample unspeakable vices, they can direct them to the best places. 

“There we are,” he thinks with satisfaction, “just what I was looking for.”

Shaddar approaches the nearest fellow in a blue cap.  The man looks around and whispers, “Who’s under there?  Are you a villain or just in disguise?”

Shaddar puts on an act and whines, “I need your services, but I am a fellow of a… certain persuasion.  I have very specific demands that must be met.  Can you help me?”

“Of course we can, sir.”

“I’m not so sure.  I’ve been to every establishment in town and none can help me!  I’m getting desperate!’

The man begins to look a bit less sure of himself.  “Your tastes are such that you feel you need to hide who you are with this illusion, sir?  And other facilities have turned you away because of your requests?”

“Indeed!  And once I tell you what I want, you’ll know why.  I want…”

The man’s face screws up in distaste.  “No, no, no!  I don’t want to hear any more about it then!  I just direct people to the establishment, I don’t want to get tainted by any of your unnatural stories.”  He shudders visibly while thinking, “I’ve got to get another job – this is too harsh on my delicate sensibilities.  I feel sticky just talking to this fellow.  Eww.” 

With obvious disgust, the man gives Shaddar directions to what he assumes will be a brothel.

The color-coding continues as the house that Shaddar comes to is painted the darkest black, but with a bright blue door.  As if to tell every passerby that this building is a most evil facility.  Shaking his head, Shaddar enters.

The madam greets him.  “Yes, can I help you, sir?  Or is it, ma’am?”

Shaddar decides to see if this facility is also just an act and tries to shock the lady in the low-cut gown.  “It won’t matter.”  She blinks in confusion and concern.  “I require your assistance.  This is the last brothel in the city that I have tried – all others have turned me away unfulfilled!  No one will cater to my specific needs!”

She looks very concerned, “What are your needs, sir?”

“I require… in a very private setting… no less than three lumpys.”

The woman grabs the wall to keep herself upright as she gasps, “Lumpys?” with a shaky and revolted voice.  Her face loses its pallor and turns a slight greenish tint.

“Don’t judge me!” Shaddar loudly proclaims.  “Can you help me or not?  I will pay five times your normal rate.”

“I…  I…” the woman’s eyes come back into focus as she calculates the price of such a request, “I’m sure we can come to some sort of accommodation, sir.”

“Good.  And there would be a substantial bonus in it for you personally if there is also a palehair present.”

At this the woman holds up one hand and bolts from the room.  Shaddar is amazed to hear her heave noisily in the other room. 

“Even those who should be desensitized to such things are so easily shocked!” he thinks.

The madam returns with a sheen of perspiration on her upper lip and forehead.  She speaks in a voice barely audible, refusing to look into Shaddar’s face.  “If you’ll just wait here, I’ll make the arrangements.  It may take some time as this is not a normal request.”

It takes 45 minutes before she returns.  With the air of one who is not happy with herself she says, “It is arranged.  Right this way.”

Shaddar is shown into a room that has three hobgoblins, one of whom is male, and a drow woman.  All of them are dressed in shabby clothes and look beaten down, standing in the center of the room.  As soon as the door is shut Shaddar locks it and waits for the madam to move out of earshot before he turns to face them again.

The drow speaks, “Sir.  We have been instructed to serve you.”

Shaddar moves to a chair and sits.  “How would you like to serve me… forever?  You could work for me, call me master, and be richly rewarded.  And respected!  Instead of serving this human filth!  They walk all over you!”

“I don’t understand…”

“You are of a greater race!  A noble people!  How can you suffer such indignities at the hands of your inferiors?”

“I don’t know what you speak of, sir!” says the drow with clear distress in her voice, “We are blessed to live in the city!  To have such comforts provided to us by the Lords of the city!  Their kindness grants us useful work, food, and shelter when they should ignore us utterly.  Because of our transgressions we must serve this establishment, but that is because of our own bad choices.”  Shaddar is stunned to see that she really believes this nonsense!

“Know you nothing of your heritage?  Your people’s history?  You are not a race of servants – but a proud, capable, and fierce people!”

“What?”  The drow woman is very upset – on the verge of tears, in fact.  She has no idea what Shaddar is talking about.  She is flummoxed and is searching in vain for some sort of context for the things he is saying to her.

Shaddar wonders how the drow in this city were so thoroughly enslaved.  Were all the adults in a drow city killed and the children raised here in ignorance?  What kind of an enemy did he face if they had such means as erasing the full history of the drow race from their children?

He tries a different tack with the hobgoblins.  “And you!  How would you like to be the new Lords of the city?”  One of the hobgoblin women puts her hands over her ears in shock.  “Surely you have felt the primal urges that are rooted in your animalistic nature?  You can be conquers!  Leaders!  Rulers!  Not cleaners of streets!  Look at these weak humans around you – can you tell me that you do not feel that you are destined for more than doing their bidding?  Are you not destined for greatness?”

The hobgoblins look like he has slapped them.  The male thinks, “The greatness that I hope for is an extra helping of gruel.” 

Shaddar is happy to make some kind of progress.  “I can work with that.”

He continues.  “How would you like to be in a whole room full of gruel?  What am I saying?  Forget gruel!  You could feast on fine foods, fresh fruits, wine, and roasted meat!”  The hobgoblin’s eyes all perk up at this idea and their heads begin to nod.

Shaddar turns to the drow and reads her thoughts – she wishes for better clothes.  So to her he says: “I can provide you with closets full of fine clothes!”

“I could have a closet?  Oh, that would be lovely to have my own little place…”

“No!  You could have a closet in your own mansion!  There is plenty of finery to be had for ornamentation and clothing!  I can provide such things!  For all of you.”

After a moment of dreamy longing, the drow shakes her head, “You are saying such mad things, sir!  I do not understand how any of it could be true.  And your countenance is one of a villain.  Are you but tormenting us for your pleasure?  Surely it must be so, because what you say makes no sense!”

“It doesn’t have to make sense.  You only need to believe and I can make these things happen.  I can improve your station this very day!”  Shaddar uses his mental powers to suggest to them that they should believe him because of his convincing arguments and powerful resources. 

“What do you need us to do so that we can have these great blessings?”

“Speak to your friends, family members, and leaders of what I offering.  Bring some of your people to The Jester and Hawk Meadhall.”

“But that’s a person place.  We’re not allowed – “

“You will be welcome there for as long as I am!  Come!  Bring those that you can convince and meet me there tonight!  I will give the gifts I have promised at that time to each of you and to those that you bring.” 

They are convinced and bow towards him with respect.

“And thus I will begin to build up an army,” Shaddar thinks with glee, “already inside the walls of the city.”

Chapter 1               < Chapter 9               Chapter 11 >

Thursday, October 18, 2012

AAR: October 13, 2012 - Fungal Infection

At the suggestion of Kaptain Krunktoof, the orks drop poisonous fungal bombs onto a Imperial Guard supply depot.  The lethal spores killed all of the base defenders, leaving all of their equipment and supplies in pristine condition and primed for looting!  When they arrive, they are dismayed that the poison wasn't fast-acting enough!  The Dark Purifiers are here to contest their rightful pillaging and seek revenge.  Which group will claim the spoils of battle and which will reap the whirlwind of this fungal infection?

Annihilation match with long edges.

5x6 table.  The entire area is littered with the twisted corpses of the guardsmen who were cruelly poisoned by the ork's biological agent.

A few stands of trees surround the base, but for the most part, the area has been cleared.

The cermacrete pad the base and landing pad are built on is smooth as any road and so any vehicle will get an extra 6 inches of movement when driving on it.

All buildings, crates, and walls are impassable terrain and can not be climbed or walked upon.  The sole exception is the guard tower to the north-west.

Orks versus Space Marines with 1743 point limit.

Chainsawz Ladz: 
HQ - Warboss
HQ - Big Mek (Shokk attack gun) 
Elites - 15x Kommandoz (Nob with power claw, 2x Rokkit)
Elites - 5x TankBustaz (Nob with power claw, 1x Tank hammer)
Troops - Deff Dread (2x Kustom mega-blasta)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Troops - 30x Boyz (Nob with power claw)
Heavy Support - 3x Lobba gunz (6x Extra crew, Runtherd, 3x Ammo runts)
Heavy Support - 10x Flash Gitz (Kaptain Krunktoof, Painboy, Cyborks, Blastas, Shootier)

"Krump it!  Doze 'umies iz alwayz crashin' our partiez!  Zog 'em all, ladz!"

Dark Purifiers
HQ - Captain
HQ - Chapter Master
Elites - Dreadnought (Power fist, Multi-melta)
Elites - 10x Terminators (2x Cyclone missile launchers, 2x Chain-fists, Power fists)
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines (Flamer, Missile launcher)
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines (Melta, Heavy bolter)
Troops - 6x Sniper Scouts with Sgt. Immortus (Missile launcher)
Heavy Support - Land Raider Redeemer (Multi-metla)

"Smells like spores...  Quick!  Into the Land Raider, brothers!"

Dark Purist wins the initial die toss.  He selects the blue half of the table.

Chainsaw is quite satisfied to attack from the red side.

The two short sides of the base are completely blocked off, making an interesting, triple-lane passage from one side of the table to the other.
The space marines line up first, putting their heaviest hitting unit in the center where their tactical options and mobility will not be limited, no matter how the orks deploy.

The terminator squad looks at the massive loss of life here and vow to avenge their weaker cousins of the battle versus the enemies of mankind.

Tactical squad 1 is prepared to embark onto the tank, while tactical squad 3 digs into the trees to provide a ready reserve force.

The dreadnought and biker sit on either flank to provide speed and stopping power.

The snipers position themselves at the top of the guard tower to maximize their field of fire.

Kaptain Krunktoof and the warboss have been drilling the ladz quite hard.  They line up neatly to avoid giving the space marines any dense clusters of victims for their frag missiles.

At the north end of the field, the tank busters can see a nice clanky target!  They are so excited!

The mob of flash gitz is next in line, their fearsome rifles humming with lethal menace. Right next to them is the deffdread, it has been walking with a funny sound for days now, but it should still be ready for action.

Two huge mobs of ladz are next, breathing in the sticky-sweet residual odor of the fungal bombz and laughing at the funny faces the guardsmen made as they died.

The kommandoz move into the north as well, to provide extra hitting power on that flank.

The armies scream out their battle cries!

Tactical squad 1 runs up the main ramp of the land raider at the double.  Once it is buttoned up, the tank moves up into the base.

The terminator squad moves forward as does the dreadnought.

The chapter master attempts to cut the head off this snake by calling in an orbital bombardment upon the leadership of the aliens.  Streams of super-charged ion rain down into the group of flash gitz!  To the frustration of the marines, it seems that they have been grounded somehow, probably as a protection from the feedback from their own over-charged weapons.  "Bwah-ha-ha!  Dat ticklez!"

Determined to make a lasting impact, the marines open fire:
  • The dreadnought shoots his multi-melta into a tank buster's belly.  The greenskin explodes with a clatter of disconnected limbs.
  • The snipers attack the lobba crew, but only kill 2 of the grot.  Their confidence is still low from the last battle, when an automated turret out-shoot them...
  • The land raider, tactical squad 3's krak missile, and all of the terminator squad shoots at the deffdread.  Some shots are out of range, most explode on the armor, but one glancing blow slams into the weak knee joint!  It will be unable to move next turn while it recovers it's balance.

Both of the mobs of ladz charge forward at a run, yelling madly.  Mob1 can't run nearly as fast, since their feet keep getting tangled in all the dead imperial guardsmen.

The flash gitz moves forward to close the range and get a better batch of targets.

The kommandoz and tank hunters move forward at a steady pace as they take aim with their rokkits at squishy-lookin' targets.

The madness continues:
  • The tank bustas shoot their rokkits at the dreadnought, but their attacks are swatted out of the air by the dreadnought's power claw.
  • The lobbaz open fire on the snipers.  Their fire is spookily accurate and all of the snipers die except for Sgt. Immortus. 
  • "We gotz that 'un!" hoots the kommando nob.  Two rokkit go spiraling up to the lone sniper.  One hits!  The snipers are out of the battle...
  • The deefdread shoots his twin mega-blastas at the terminator squad, but the weapon is not in range.  "Me no care!" screams the pilot when the warboss criticizes him, "Me hear horrer storiez 'bout dem!"
  • The flash gitz charge up their nuclear-powered rifles and unload them into the terminator squad.  One terminator marine goes down.
  • The big mek powers up his brand-new shokk attack gun and hopes for the best as he squeezes the trigger.  The snotling that is blasted through the warp emerges unexpectedly in five different chunks in the middle of five terminators.  The twitching snotling body parts are physically interposed into the same space as the men's heads and upper torsos.  All five of the space marines go down hard and the big mek laughs uproariously!

With over half of the space marines heavy infantry wiped out in the first turn, the mood is grim, but stoic.

"No more mistakes shall be made today, brothers!  Not by us!"

The dreadnought slowly retreats into the trees to gain cover and slow the orks advance.

The terminators move forward cautiously, re-grouping as they go.

The land raider driver hits the accelerator and the huge machine leaps forward on the paved surface of the base.  As the tank slides to a stop right in front of mob1, the main hatch opens and tactical squad 1 pours out, boltguns blazing!

The space marines open fire:
  • The biker shoots mob2 and a single boy is cut down.
  • The dreadnought shoots the tank bustas, but the orks bob and weave out of the path of the incoming fire.
  • The land raider opens up with one of it's flamestorm cannons and 7 of the ladz in mob1 die while "doin' da burny dance".
  • Tactical squad 3 and the terminators unload their weapons into mob1, trying to reduce the numbers of this huge mass of alien flesh into something more manageable.  Together, they kill 8 more boys, but tragedy strikes!  One frag missile scatters into the ranks of tactical squad 1 and a brother marine is laid low by friendly fire.
  • The remainder of tactical squad 1 opens up with flamers and boltguns.  7 orc boyz are killed in the fiery maelstrom.  Then the marines wade into close-quarters with the much reduced mob1 remnants.  One marine goes down, but enough of the orks are killed that their courage fails.  As they turn to flee, the space marines callously shoot each one in the back of the head.  Mob1 has been utterly destroyed in a single turn!
The kommandoz and tank bustas continue to move towards the dreadnought in the north.

The deffdread moves to intercept and rend tactical squad 1.

Mob2 continues their mindless charge towards the grizzled biker veteran that they have learned to hate so much from stories told around the campfire.

The ork attacks are as follows:
  • The tank bustas unleash another flurry of rokkits, but they all explode harmlessly upon trees that the dreadnought is hiding behind.  "Drat dat cof'ver!"
  • The lobbaz attempt to shoot tactical squad 3, but they are out of range.  The runtherd beats the range-master grot mercilessly as the shells all fall short.
  • The flash gitz shoot at the terminators once again.  One unlucky git has his containment field fail.  For a brief instant, his body glows like a small sun, highlighting his skeletal structure, then he explodes into ashes.  The rest of the flash gitz are too busy inflicting a wound on both the caption and chapter master to notice.  "Hey, where Flicknose go?"
  • The big mek pulls his weapon's trigger with more confidence this time, but the promising-looking snotling that he vacuums into the warp is a disappointment.  A loud >SPLOOSH!< echoes through the base as snotling blood-soup is sprayed all over the terminator squad doing no damage, but making an unbelievable stench.
  • The deffdread scores a direct hit one a space marine with his mega-blasta.  The unlucky member of tactical squad 1 explodes as his blood is instantly turned into steam.  Then the over-zealous deffdread wades into assault range.  The marines toss krak grenades all over his chassis and it is blown into wreckage!  "Orks are brainless, sir!"  "Yes, brother, they certainly are.  This one is also legless, armless, headless..."

The dreadnought continues to make a fighting withdrawl, leading the orks into it's firelane.

The biker drives right up into the business of mob2 with a spray of mud arching up behind the rear tire.

The terminator squad and tactical squad 1 both move forward to better position themselves for fighting the flash gitz.

Deadly firepower is unleashed:
  • The dreadnought blows away one of the tank bustaz and the rest turn to flee.
  • The biker and tactical squad 3 rapid fires into mob2, killing 4 orks (the icon display above has T3 shooting FG - that's an error).
  • Tactical squad 1, the land raider tank, and the terminators all aim carefully at the flash gitz, determined to bring more of these far-too-tough-for-their-own-good aliens down.  Krak missiles are very effective, but all weapons bring something to the table as 3 flash gitz die and another is wounded.
The tank bustas stop running as a whiff of motor oil from the dreadnought catches the breeze.  Like the addicts that they are, they wheel back around with wild eyes.  "Gotta' blow dat up!  Gotta'!  Gotta'!  Wa-ha-a-ha-ha!"

The kommandoz run towards the slowly retreating dreadnought, hoping to catch it before it can escape.

Mob2 moves to use the cover of the fuel tank so tactical squad 3 can't launch any more missiles at them.

The flash gitz are annoyed that so many of their fellows have fallen and turn their loving attention to tactical squad 1 for reparations.

Orkish mayhem follows:
  • Tank bustas shoot rokkits at the dreadnought, but fail to penetrate its armor.
  • The lobbaz shoot the approaching terminators and manage to inflict another wound on the captain.  The runtherd stops beating the greenish lump that once was the range-master grot when he sees this improvement in the crews quality of fire.
  • The big mek fires off another unlucky snotling towards the terminators.  The portal opens in the wrong place and a hole is punched in the storage tank instead.
  • Mob2 unleashes a hail of small-arms fire that cuts down the biker, much to their relief.  "Lookit!  He'z not unkill'a'bile!  Hooray!"
  • The flash gitz open up their dangerous weapons into tactical squad 1.  All but one of the remaining space marines are killed as 6 of them are intersected with the bolts of energy.  Then the flash gitz charge the staggered marine and cut him down using their wicked-sharp blades.

Tactical squad 3 moves out from the trees to get some distance from the slavering horde of mob2.

The dreadnought continues his slow withdrawal, firing as he goes.

The terminators and land raider tank close in on the flash gitz in a pincher movement they hope will finally put an end to them.

Without pity and without remorse, the marines perpetrate the following:
  • The dreadnought fires into the kommandoz and takes one ork right out of this world.
  • The land raider tank and the terminators shoot at point-blank range into the cocky ranks of flash gitz.  One git is blown in half from the tank's melta, 2 are detonated by krak missiles, and another goes down under a solid stream of stormbolter fire.
  • The terminators charge forwards and slam into rest of the flash gitz.  The chapter master takes a wound and a terminator goes down under the warboss' power claw, but all of the flash gitz go down, including Kaptain Krunktoof.
The warboss howls in rage as all of his gun-buddies (and their expensive equipment) get splattered all over the pavement.  His mighty yell turns into a battlefield-wide "WAAAGH!"

Mob2 jumps into the trees to discover that tactical squad 3 has just quit them.  "Stand still, youse little runties!"

The kommandoz barrel through the trees and get into the dreadnoughts business at long last, while the tank bustas scream that they have already called "dibs on dat!"

In a frenzy of rage the orks attack as follows:
  • The big mek fires a screaming snotling at tactical squad 3, but the wailing creature goes soaring off the edge of the map.  The big mek slaps the side of his targeting system and is rewarded with a fireworks display of sparks.
  • The lobbaz shoot tactical squad 3 and manage to kill 3 of the marines.
  • In the continuing battle between the warboss and the terminators, the warboss has gotten a spot of radiation poisoning.  He doesn't feel well for a few seconds, then the captain's thunder hammer cures what ails him - forever.
  •  The kommandoz assault the dreadnought and their nob tears off the stormbolter cannon.  A kommando ork is ripped in half, too, but that's a pretty good trade.

Tactical squad 3 continues to move towards the land raider tank at a run.

The tank itself moves towards the center of the base, turning it's mighty weapon systems on the big mek.  Gulp!

The terminators move out to take care of the big gunz that are still killing brother-marines.

With uncanny calmness, the marines attack:
  • The land raider unloads all weapon systems into the big mek.  The melta strikes the shokk attack gun and it melts at the same time as it activates!  A huge hole into the warp opens underneath the big mek's feet and a tentacled horror drags the screaming big mek down into oblivion!
  • The terminators shoot at the loobaz and then slam into the shell-shocked survivors.  None are left alive.
  • The battle between dreadnought and kommando continues.  The multi-melta gun is cut in half and another kommando dies.  "Still a good deal!"
Mob2 tries to "come ta gripz" with tactical squad 3 in vain.

The pitiful attacks of the orks this turn are:
  • The kommandoz lose another lad to the power claw of the dreadnought.

The random game-length roll ends the game!  It's all over!

Dark Purist Wins!  The terminators were bloodied, but not defeated!  The final score is Dark Purist 851 points (49%) to Chainsaw's 428 points (25%).  A decisive victory for the space marines and a fitting retribution and act of vengeance for the slain of the Imperial Guard!

"Best cure for fungal infections?  BOOM!  Tough-acting promethium!"

"Dat big tank-ting iz gettin' on me nervez...  'Nd itz lightin' 'em all on fire!  OW!  OW!!  OW!!!"