Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What is Crossover?

I just realized that not everyone knows what the heck the Crossover stuff is.  Sorry about that!

Crossover is a short-story version of the events that are being played out in a D&D 3.5 game being run by yours-truly: Chainsaw.  It has a single player who is the anti-hero in the grim form of Shaddar, a mindflayer being played by Dark Purist.  He will also play any thralls which fall under his power.

The campaign will be very player-reactive, with Dark Purist's in-game choices determining how it develops. Not to say that there isn't an unrelenting plot and back-story that he will be interacting with, because there very much is one...

The story written here is going to be the notes of what has happened during the game for me - not how I usually do things as a DM.  Hopefully this experiment will be fun for not just us, but anyone else who enjoys a good yarn!

You can see a list of all the chapters so far here.

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