3'4"x2'6" table. A city ruin intersection with sealed buildings and towers surrounding the square.

Izak's 'eadsplitterz:
HQ - Warboss
Troops - 20x Boyz (Nob with power claw, Big shoota, Rokkit)
Troops - 12x Boyz (Nob, Rokkit)
Heavy Support - 3 kannon gunz (2x Extra Crew, Runtherd, 3x Ammo Runts)
Ultramarines - Joe Recon:
HQ - Captain
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines
Troops - 10x Tactical Marines

Joe Recon puts the captain between both tactical squads. Izak puts the warboss with his large mob of boys and puts the big gunz near the statue.
The final result of positioning of units is complete - let the battle begin!

All of the marines attack the largest mob of boys, led by the enemy warboss. Incredibly bad dice rolls yield only 3 dead orks.
The large mob of boyz move forward, positioning themselves behind the storage tank for cover. The smaller mob runs behind the damaged tower.
The orks big gunz fire into the tactical squad nearest the storage tank killing 2 marines. A hail of lucky shots pepper the marines in the tower, killing 3 of them as well.
The marines are not having a good day already.

The orc mobs both run towards the foe a mighty "Waaagh!" bellowing from filthy lips! The kannons attempt to silence the heavy bolter on the tower, but the marine's armor is up to the task of deflecting the frag rounds.
Then the green mobs slam into the marines in close-combat and the violence is indeed terrible. The tactical squad with the missile launcher is almost completely wiped out - only a single marine survives the onslaught. The dice continue to fail poor Joe Recon as they only manage to kill 3 boys.
Then comes the worst failure of the dice to produce results that would please the Emperor as only 2 boys are killed in the large mob of boys while they take 100% casualties in the tactical squad and two wounds to their captain. Ouch!

It is to no avail.
The orks proceed to obliterate the hated 'umie foes while taking another 5 orcs in losses. The captain is the last to die and he weeps for his fallen brothers as he is literally cut in half by the warboss' power claw.

UGH...32 boyz and some kannons vs. 20 tacs on a tiny field? Bad rolls, good rolls...I don't think it matters, this seems very lopsided to the orks from the very start.