Sunday, June 23, 2013

Steampunk Nights - Chapter 7

Record Author: Izyad Mishtan, Acolyte of Osiris
Location: Central Wilds

Our journey the first day was a non-event.  The weather was fine.  The road was clear.  And we saw nothing alive other than a few deer and birds.  As we had been told, the campsite that we stopped at for the evening was well marked and commonly used.  I had hoped that there would be a wooden picket or watchtowers at such obvious places of rest, but alas!  The townsfolk of Trat looked at me strangely when I commented upon this lack.  Ah, well.

It was during the second day's travel that Nihani spied the orc scouts.

No one else saw them at first.  My first clue that something might be happening is when Nihani urged her glass scorpion to a slightly greater pace, pulling out of position and drawing up next to Dhaja.  I thought nothing of this at first, since we often changed position or rode next to one another to trade a bit of conversation.

With a sudden cry, Nihani jabbed her heels into the flanks of her mount and the beast skittered at a run towards the rear of a hillock that the road was slowly rounding.  I had not yet seen her scorpion move at top speed and it was frighteningly fast!  As she moved, Nihani cried out: “Orcs!  Behind the hill!”

Antoro's head popped out of the door of his cart and he yelped, “What?  Orcs?  Here?”

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

AAR: May 11, 2013 - Interupted Prayers

The Storm Heralds are here to worship - a just reward after months of intense battle.  Unfortunately, the orks are unwilling to give their hated foes even a second of rest and peace.  The vile forces of Warboss Chainsaw have followed the space marines to their religious sanctuary!  The howling drop-rocks of the orks slamming into this hallowed ground have raised the ire of the human warriors and the insult of alien feet on this previously pristine world has enraged them.  Will the Emperor grant them vengeance or will the xenos put yet another place of quiet and beauty to the torch?