Friday, November 23, 2012

Crossover - Chapter 27

Shaddar is thinking that he will soon retire for the evening when he senses the approach of many minds from all sides.  His tentacles writhe with excitement.  The first of those who have been lured to the meadhall are on their way…

As they come slowly closer, he is able to determine that there are thirty of them.   Hobgoblins.  Their thoughts make it clear that they are troubleshooters who work for the tribal chiefs. 

The thoughts of one in particular are filled with a mental review of the orders he is to carry out: “Only one freak, wearing an illusion with a wormy face, is needed.  That’s who we need to soften up, gag, blindfold, and bring him before the chiefs.  They‘ll get the truth out of him, sure enough!  Anyone else gives us trouble and we’ll wrestle ‘em to the ground and give ‘em a good thrashing!”

Shaddar will only need two minions to handle this.  He mentally calls to Toothsnatcher, “Intruders approach our lair.  Wake Kug and bring him to the main hall.  Bring your axe.  I will likely need you to kill someone as an example.”

Shaddar goes downstairs to the main hall himself and arranges the tables and chairs to create the proper reception area for the incoming and unannounced guests.

“What is it, master?” Kug asks when they arrive.  Toothsnatcher looks at the room layout and snorts with approval.  Plenty of room for him to maneuver should he need to.

Shaddar sits on the single chair he has arranged in the center of the room as he answers, “An opportunity, Kug.  One that I hope will please you greatly.  All we need do is wait for some interlopers to enter the meadhall.  If you will stand behind me?  Yes.  And now: patience…”

The hobgoblins split up to cover both the front and back doors and are quite stealthy about entering the building.  They move quietly into the main hall and freeze as they see Shaddar and his two huge minions waiting for them in silence.

Shaddar speaks in a soft voice, “I’ve been waiting for you.”

Confusion and consternation.

The leader whose thoughts Shaddar focused on earlier steps forward boldly and speaks, “Our masters would have words with you.”


“We’re supposed to bring you.  Will you come quietly?”  The hobgoblin leader smacks his fist into one palm twice to give weight to his implied threat.

“And why don’t you simply bring your chiefs here?  I would like to speak with them, unfortunately I do not plan on doing anything at their request,” Shaddar’s voice sounds bored and irritated as with a misbehaving puppy, “They will be acting on my commands instead.  Go.  Bring them here.”  A regal twitch of two fingers towards the door dismisses the hobgoblin force in what he is sure will be an insulting manner.

The hobgoblin is enraged as he replies loudly, “That’s not how it works!  We brought rope!  We will tie you up and drag you to our chiefs!”

“Allow me to show you how this works…”  Shaddar snaps his fingers and commands Toothsnatcher to dispatch the rude and outspoken slave.

Toothsnatcher has been anticipating this command and reacts the instant Shaddar’s fingers snap.  He moves in a blur of fluid strength and brings his massive axe down onto the neck of the hobgoblin with shocking power.  The blade bites deeply, cleaving almost down to the hobgoblin’s sternum.  The suddenness of the attack freezes the hobgoblin force into immobility. 

Toothsnatcher is annoyed that his blade has become lodged in the body of the hobgoblin – as if this is an insult to him or the quality of his weapon.  He grunts, twisting the haft of the weapon to wrench free the blade.  The hobgoblin leader drops to the floor in a messy spray of blood and a noisy expulsion of air.

The ease and manner with which the minotaur dispatched their leader has paralyzed the remaining hobgoblins.  Kug is also amazed as he mentally reviews some of Toothsnatcher’s earlier comments and begins to realize what weapons are possible of doing to his enemies when applied properly.

Toothsnatcher moves back to his side and the hobgoblins alternate their stare between the minotaur and his obvious master.

Shaddar slaps his thighs lightly.  “Now.  Were the rest of you going to say anything about ropes or ignoring my orders?”

Absolute quiet.

“To repeat: Bring your tribal chiefs to me.  We can parlay – but on my terms.  Do not bore me with such displays of foolishness.”

Shaddar sees from their thoughts that they have been affected by witnessing this event as they have by nothing before in their lives.  None of these will dare to attack him or his minions – ever.

They make a slow backing-away movement, but are frozen in place when Shaddar holds up one hand and says, “Before you go –“ he turns to Kug, “Do you recognize any of these fellows, Kug?”

Kug’s eyes glint as he points, “Those two.”

Shaddar nods.  “You two will remain.  The rest of you may depart.”  The selected two hobgoblins swallow nervously, their thoughts filled with the memories of the many times they have held Kug down and administered beatings at the commands of their chief.  They both believe that the payback that is coming will be violent and final.

“Shall I take them away now, master,” Kug growls impatiently.

“In a moment, General.  Soon they will be transferred to your temperate and loving charge.”  Shaddar turns back to the two sweating hobgoblins and says with a tone of stern reproof, “You are guilty of harassing the general of my army.  Such insubordination can’t be allowed to go unpunished.  I find this most displeasing…  Do you understand the nature of your crimes?”

“Oh, yes!”

“We’ll never do it again!”

Shaddar nods, “Good.  A penitent attitude is the first step to recovery.  Kug?  In that room, if you please.  Instruct them.”  As Kug herds them away Shaddar says over his shoulder carelessly, “Oh, and Kug?”

“Yes, master?”

“Try to keep it down, will you?  Let us be considerate of those who are at their rest.”  Kug nods, but immediately fails as the sounds coming from behind the door are anything but quiet.

Shaddar does a quick scan of the building, but the sound hasn’t disturbed anyone on the second or third floor.  Only Hawke is awakened by the sounds and he is doing his best to ignore it and not think about what could be happening or to whom.

The other hobgoblins shuffle around anxiously before one plucks up enough courage to ask, “May we go now, sir?”

Shaddar waves them off imperiously, “Goodbye.”  As they start to back away again, he speaks with sharpness, “Don’t forget to take your trash out with you.”  When he is given blank looks in response he huffs in annoyance and points to the butchered corpse of their erstwhile leader.

Their thoughts are a mix of shock and anger.  Their anger is directed at the liar Tegoz who so obviously deceived the tribal chiefs! 

“’A philanthropic soul,’ he said!  ‘A weak and pandering fool,’ he said!  Ha!  We’ll kill that Tegoz next time we see him!”

“Kug is a general?  This ‘master’ has an army?  We’re doomed!”

“Harmless he was supposed to be!  What a fool Tegoz is!”

“Please let me get out of here alive…”

Shaddar is certain that the mixture of confusing responses will paralyze the hobgoblin leadership.  It is as he wished.  He desires a bit more time to firm up the small force he has gathered before taking on the tribal chiefs directly.

The hobgoblins drag the body away, leaving an even larger mess, trailing out the door.  Shaddar hopes that one of his minions will be able to get the bloodstains out of the floorboards.  Luckily, the wood is dark with age and does not show the stains too clearly.

A few minutes after the hobgoblins have left, Kug emerges from the room, supporting both the bruised and battered recipients of his sweet acts of reform.

“Whalp!  We’ve had a lovely little discussion, master!” he says.  “I believe that I can salvage these hobgoblins – turn them into soldiers for your front lines in order to complete their turning over a new leaf.”

“Do you think so?”

“Oh, yes!  I have stuffed their errors right down their throats, master!  And I can repeat my lessons – daily if need be!  Right, boys?”

The two hobgoblins groan and jerk their heads in what could charitably be called nods.

Shaddar stands and motions for all of them to return upstairs as he says, “Very well.  I trust you will do what is necessary to see to their continued good behavior.”

“I think you can be certain of it, master!  In fact, I think they will be my new roommates!  Right, lads?”

More mumbles pass through their split and bleeding lips which sounds like babble, but Kug acts as though their response has been loquacious.  “See, master?   They will make great lieutenants with just a bit more special training!”

Chapter 1               < Chapter 26               Chapter 28 >

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